Geo style, pastels, marble…all of these current trends have close ties to the 1980s. And this week, a variety of sites and blogs featured them in spades. First up: The New York Times. On Wednesday, I came across this article, titled “Furnishings With Geometric Patterns.” The article’s featured designer is Rafael de Cárdenas from Architecture at Large. I’m a long-time admirer!
Mirror80 April Highlights
Hi Everyone! April was a busy month for us here at Mirror80. We spent a week reveling in a marble-infused style we like to call “Lobby Chic,” we began planning our next Retro Foodie photo shoot, and I (Kate) was featured in a Designer Profile that highlighted the style and mission of Mirror80. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!…
Mirror80 Featured on Terry’s Blinds!
I’m excited to share a Designer Insights profile that Terry’s Blinds published today on their site! I was interviewed and asked about my top design picks for spring–I love the way they edited the piece and celebrated Mirror80’s passion for the decade of decadence. Curious about my top design picks? Here are the details…
Marble Mania
In honor of “Lobby Chic” Week here at Mirror80, I thought I’d share a few snapshots from my ’80s-inspired bedroom. Lately I’ve been a bit obsessed with marble tile. I buy it at home improvement stores and flooring retailers. The last time I went on a tile binge at Floor Decor, I left with an armful of marble pieces and paid no more than $20. What do I do with these tiles? I stack them. I lean them against the wall. Sometimes I use them in my DIY projects. The possibilities are endless…
5 New Finds with Memphis-Milano Style
I love it when I come across new pieces that channel one of my favorite ’80s design movements of all time: Memphis-Milano! If you know where to look, you can find new items with Memphis style at all times these days–and you couldn’t always say that about 1980s motifs. It will be interesting to see if other ’80s movements receive the same respect. Watching the 1980s revival unfold in the realm of interior design sure is fascinating!
Mirror80 March Highlights
Happy Monday, Everyone! On this last day of March, we’re taking a look back at some of the past month’s top posts. We’ll call them our March faves. Did you miss anything? The last few weeks have been filled with plenty of ’80s design inspiration, a donut party, an interview that showcased one of our favorite record labels, and of course, plenty of fun at SXSW. Check out the links below for the full posts and lots more pics!
’80s-Style Acrylic Finds
Happy Friday, Everyone! You know when you find something cool online, and then you look a little closer and realize that you’ve stumbled upon a gold mine?! This is one such occasion, thanks to a website called Acrylic Home Design. I’ve made no secret of my love for all things acrylic, from dining sets to tables and desks. But when I came across the Acrylic Home Design site, it was crystal clear that the ’80s-style possibilities for this transparent material are absolutely mind blowing. And there are oodles of acrylic items big and small at our fingertips!
New Pastel Decor with an ’80s Design Twist
Have you noticed the recent pastel, geo and marble trends? Yes, they’re everywhere. But before you dismiss them as passing fads, we need to celebrate one key fact: all of these trends have brought ’80s interior design to the forefront. This is a BIG DEAL! When I first started Mirror80, 1980s fashion was huge. But 1980s interior design was nowhere to be found. Except if you could afford the really high-end stuff. Now that ’80s motifs and colors have hit the mainstream, we can all enjoy them in a new way!
Our Favorite ’80s Interior Design Pics
Hi Everyone–it’s the beginning of a new week, and we at Mirror80 are in the middle of an ’80s interior design love fest. Last week we took a look at some pics of bedrooms from the 1980s. We ended the week by exploring a few sources of 1980s design inspiration, from clothing patterns to retro stickers. Today we continue the fun by looking back at some of our favorite ’80s design pictures and the posts they came from. Read on for more details…
1980s Interior Design Inspiration: The ’80s Bedroom
Happy Wednesday, Everyone! Have I mentioned that I’m slowly giving my bedroom an ’80s makeover? I’m on a tight budget, so let me emphasize the word “slowly.” Sometimes hunting for true bargains takes time. This past weekend I found a great piece of ’80s modern art for the space, but there’s still much to be done. I’m currently gathering inspiration from two of my favorite 1980s design books, and I thought I’d share some of my favorite pics with you…