Happy Friday, Everyone! I’m excited that I have a lot of time to devote to Mirror80 this weekend. I’ve been thinking about ways that I can move forward with the blog, and you’ll see that reflected in my weekend plans below. Also, thanks to the Twitter account of original MTV VJ Nina Blackwood, I learned about an exciting miniseries that will be profiling the 1980s… That’s the fun thing about weekends. Sometimes they inspire you to take a look back at the past while planning for your future. Have a good one, everybody!
Goodwill Find: An ’80s Deco Vase
Those who know me well are aware of my addiction to ’80s Deco vases. It’s an obsession that started a few years ago when I saw a red plastic floral vase at an antique mall, and it reminded me of the plethora of curvy ’80s ceramics that graced many a table and shelf top during my favorite decade. When I couldn’t find the vases at any thrift shops in the area, I headed to Goodwill, also known as the mother ship. At any given point in time, there will be at least one ’80s Deco vase and several ’80s Deco lamps on the shelves of the local Goodwill, often in shades of peach, blue, mauve and white. My latest purchase–a blue glass piece–can be seen above!