Hello, creative Mirror80 readers! Many of you have gotten in touch with me and shared your projects, ideas and endeavors. Interior design, visual art, music, writing and animation are a few of the many areas that your talents represent, and it’s been so wonderful to be a part of a creative community where modern style meets an appreciation for all things retro.
Saved by the Cubes
Happy Friday, Everyone! Did you have a nice Christmas? Today I wanted to share one of my favorite holiday gifts. Actually, it’s a gift my hubby and I purchased for our cat–the Kitty City Jungle Gym! We actually spotted this fabulous find on a trip to Target well before the holidays, and we instantly knew this was “the gift” for our little pride and joy. True selling points: the cozy cubes, the pastel motifs, the black netting, and the general feel that this feline playground was confiscated from the set of Saved by the Bell. You know, if the main characters had been cats…
Our Favorite October Posts
It’s been an amazing October at Mirror80! We’ve reveled in the new fall season, cooked up two Retro Foodie photo shoots, and enjoyed a couple of DIY projects. Add a series on bargain shopping for retro finds and a tour of a very ’80s bathroom, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Today we take a look back at our favorite October moments. In case you missed anything or you want to take a second look…
Retro Style Roundup
Happy Wednesday, Everyone! Today I’ve rounded up a collection of images featuring the best in retro style on the internet, and I thought I’d point you to some posts and listings that have inspired me in my recent creative endeavors! From elegant ’80s fashion and interiors to delicious recipes and party concepts, this week it’s all about going glam. Read on for more details…
Style Icon: Terri Nunn
Today we launch a new series called Style Icon, and in our minds, the first to be featured absolutely had to be Terri Nunn. It’s hard to know what this lovely lead singer of Berlin was best known for: her hair or her fashion sense. But why choose? She could rock a period costume, as in the ’30s-inspired video for “No More Words.” People still emulate her famous black-tipped hairdo. Knit dresses, sequined formals, hats…she pulled it all off with effortless style. In fact, if you’re shopping for retro ’80s pieces and you’re not sure how to pull off a frock with shoulder pads, watch a Berlin video and take notes…
The ’80s Connection: Cory You
In March I began corresponding with musician and artist Cory You, and we instantly bonded over our love for ’80s design. As the months went by, I began to see just how much the 1980s influenced Cory’s creative works. In fact, I was blown away by his drive to create on a daily basis. Seriously, this man is always creating new images, sounds and looks! His constant search for unique ’80s visuals and thrift store finds regularly inspired me, and when I realized what an expert he was at mining my favorite decade for its most interesting elements, I knew he would be my next ’80s Connection interview. So without further ado, let’s meet Cory You!…
New Retro Weekender: ’80s Summer Nights
Happy Friday, Everyone! Do you know what we at Mirror80 love more than ’80s-style summer days? ’80s-style summer nights! And with this hot weekend on the horizon, it’s hard to imagine not taking advantage of the breezy evenings. Check out some of our latest New Retro finds and delicious treats (details below). Here’s what’s on our weekend plate…
’80s-Style Summer Finds
Happy Summer, Everyone! OK, it may not be official yet… But when retailers are already putting their summer collections on sale, it’s time to take a minute and spotlight the stuff. Especially when the “stuff” features a trendy update of ’80s style. That’s what’s in store this summer–flamingos, palm trees, and ultra-bright florals that can’t help but conjure the makeup bags of yore. So today we pause for a moment to revel in the glory of 1980s summer style. And the fun way it’s revisited this season!
A Hint of ’80s Summer Style
Happy Monday, Everyone! This past weekend I did a little shopping… and it seems that everywhere I went, there were flashes of ’80s summer style. If it’s still cold where you live, or if it’s beginning to warm up and you’re dreaming of the balmy days ahead, check out today’s finds. They have hints of ’80s design (some more blatant than others), and they would definitely add a splash of color to your wardrobe or interior!
’80s-Style Bathrooms!
Today we visit a few homes that haven’t been renovated in at least two decades. And unlike the folks at Ugly House Photos, we think the featured bathrooms in today’s post are pretty freakin’ awesome. Who needs granite countertops and dark wooden cabinets when you have patterned tile and bathtubs in any color but white? Thank goodness the fine folks who owned these homes left them alone, because now we have a pure glimpse into our favorite decade and the powder rooms that decorated it.