If you’ve been reading Mirror80 this month, you know it’s been my dream to construct a sculptural floral arrangement in a ceramic round planter. Today we debut the DIY results, and we couldn’t be more excited! This project has an undeniably ’80s look. What keeps it from looking outdated? You have to commit 100% to clearly taking it over the top. Bright colors and lots of height help to achieve this goal, as you’ll see below…
New Retro Weekender: Happy Hunting
Hi Everyone! Wishing you a fabulous Easter weekend. Perhaps an egg hunt is in your future… Or maybe you’re hunting for ’80s-style treasures! Either way, check out what we’re up to over the next few days and see if any of these fun finds interest you!
Happy Valentine’s Day from Mirror80!
Happy Valentine’s Day all you ’80s-lovers!!! For today’s featured images, I went back in time to the Valentine’s Days past of Mirror80. Whether you’re putting together a bouquet for your sweetie, purchasing a special gift for yourself, or starting a vintage silver jewelry collection, these pics are a rosy reminder of all things pretty in pink.
Aquarium Plants Make an ’80s Statement
Why is it that I’ve always associated aquariums and sea life with the 1980s? Could it be movies like Jaws 3, with its wonderful ’80s Sea World setting? Or maybe it’s the plethora of dolphin figurines and other sea life-themed decor from that time period. Or the fact that my family had an aquarium as a kid, so I spent many an ’80s weekend picking out fish and accessories for the tank. Whatever it is, I am clearly preoccupied with aquarium plants. Yes, the fake kind. After viewing today’s selections from Petco, perhaps you’ll agree that faux foliage of the undersea nature can truly make an ’80s statement!