When viewing today’s Mid-Week Match-Up, you may wonder what 1930s movies we’ve taken screen shots from, or which Busby Berkeley musicals have influenced this post. Believe it or not, all of the images above are from the 1980s! Perhaps it was the throwback to Art Deco (also called ’80s Deco) that sparked a revival of Hollywood-esque glitz and glam in the 1980s, or maybe the decade of decadence sent designers in search of past displays of excess. Whatever the source, we approve!
Friday Video Pick: “You Know Me Better” by Roisin Murphy
This week’s Friday Video Pick is not from the 1980s. But we just couldn’t take our eyes off the ’80s-inspired fashion in this video from 2008.
Mid-Week Match-Up: ’80s Lighting
Light up your life with today’s Mid-Week Match-Up! For this ’80s modern lighting extravaganza, we combed films set in swanky locations, from New York office buildings and apartments to California homes and hotels.
An ’80s Halloween Party
On the eve of Fall’s official beginning, I invited family to join me for a Halloween-themed dinner party. I wanted to give the event an ’80s twist. My brother and I were kids in the ’80s and remember many a Halloween season spent watching cartoons, buying neon props for our costumes, and reveling in the wonder of the decade’s best junk food.
Mid-Week Match-Up: ’80s Fall Moments
Fall is definitely in the air! For this week’s Mid-Week Match-Up, we’ve collected screen shots from ’80s films featuring Fall-fabulous moments. In fact, the season of Fall played a crucial role in all three featured films: Baby Boom, When Harry Met Sally, and St. Elmo’s Fire.
1980s Interior Design: The ’80s/Mid-Century Connection
Have you ever watched one of the movies you loved as a kid and been shocked by how well it held up, in story, “look,” or entertainment factor? While recently re-watching both Pretty In Pink (1986, dir. Howard Deutch) and Earth Girls Are Easy (1988, dir. Julien Temple), I was struck by one major factor: the production design. Both films combine the bold pizazz of ’80s Memphis-Milano style with the hues and clean lines of ’50s/’60s Modern design.
Friday Video Pick: “Talk Talk” by Talk Talk
Yes, the title of this week’s video pick and of the band itself are the same… I remember seeing the name of this song in print and being struck by the repetition of the juxtaposed band and track. And soon I was equally struck by the song. Like Missing Persons’ “Give,” this Talk Talk video features metallic accents, strategic lighting, and a dynamic song with pumping energy from start to finish.
Mid-Week Match-Up: Radballs!
If you were waiting for the perfect ’80s-inspired gameplay for your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, you’re in luck. Introducing Radballs, an app by Glow Play that awesomely combines the style of the past with the technology of the present. Radballs cleverly builds on the puzzle-rific tradition set by gaming favorites like Tetris and Bejeweled, then cranks it up another level by adding cheeky graphics in ’80s motifs and a synth-based soundtrack featuring acts like OK Go and Com Truise. Enjoy our match-ups featuring Radballs promotional screen shots and ’80s textile design.
Can you spot the ’80s in the Vogue September Issue?
The Fall fashion season in upon us! A true highlight of this idea-rich time of the year is the Vogue September issue. Many read it from cover to cover. So did Mirror80, and we were struck by the ’80s references on the pages, especially in some of the ads. While each ’80s motif may not have been intentional, here are a few of our favorites nonetheless, along with the flashback fun they evoke.
Friday Video Pick: “Run to You” by Bryan Adams
What better way to usher in Fall than by watching a four-minute Bryan Adams video featuring “Face of the Eighties” Lysette Anthony running through Autumn foliage?! Yes, it’s “Run to You,” a video that may seem simple by today’s standards, but in 1985 was nominated for MTV Video Music Awards in five different categories!