Halloween is tomorrow, folks! This past weekend I got a bit crafty and decided to create a DIY painted pumpkin. Then I started thinking about the colors I was interested in featuring, and it occurred to me that the peach tone of butternut squash would make the perfect canvas for my ’80s-style landscape design. Plus, I’ve had pumpkins in the house for the last month, and a butternut squash would be a refreshing centerpiece for November! Read on for all of the retro DIY fun…
5 Spooky ’80s Videos with Retro Halloween Style
Happy Halloween week, Everyone! We thought we’d get the ball rolling by sharing some of our favorite spooky ’80s videos of all time! Seriously–these are some of our top video picks, regardless of their dark undertones. Not only do they showcase the best in 1980s style (hair, makeup, fashion and more), they’re just plain fun! And some are simply beautiful. The links that follow will lead you to each music video in its original Mirror80 post. Yes, these videos are so epic, each one was honored with its very own blog post in years past! Enjoy, and we hope your week is off to a festive start…
’80s Halloween Inspiration…
It’s the weekend before Halloween…and we’ve gathered a collection of images from Octobers past and present so we can indulge in a little bit of ’80s-style festivity. Hosting a Halloween party? Need a last-minute costume? Looking for some recipes for the week ahead? We’ve got you covered! Read on for all the details and helpful links…
3 Go-To Ingredients for Instant ’80s Style
Hey all you ’80s lovers! Today we celebrate the magic of affordable party supplies. I do my share of entertaining, and I’m crazy about retro style. I have three go-to ingredients in my arsenal, and I can pull them out of my closet at the last minute for a dose of ’80s flair. They’re cheap. They make a big impact. And they work for just about any occasion! Read on for all the details…
Bargain Shopping for Retro Finds at Thrift Stores
I love ordering ’80s merchandise on Etsy and eBay. I love shopping at antique festivals, garage sales and estate sales. But my greatest source of retro finds by far has been bargain second-hand stores such as Goodwill. This past weekend, I headed to my very favorite Goodwill location and was thoroughly delighted to find this set of ’80s Deco drinking glasses. Especially since I’d passed them up three weeks ago! Today we take a look at the ins and outs of bargain thrift store shopping…
A Retro Halloween Buffet
With Halloween around the corner, we wanted to share our latest Retro Foodie photo shoot… It’s an ’80s-style Halloween snack buffet! Our goal: to celebrate the wonder of junk food, but take it up a notch. So we featured a foodie take on pizza, popcorn, candy, chips and ice cream sandwiches–the stuff you nosh on while watching your favorite horror movies. It’s Halloween, folks! The last baggage-free holiday for awhile. Let’s live it up! Read on for all the retro-style details…
An ’80s Bathroom Tour
This year, my hubby and I moved into our first home. There was a bit of work that needed to be done on the place, so we focused on the not-so-fun improvements first. Since we’re on a budget, we’ve needed to do a little at a time. I’ll be sharing pics of our place as we put the finishing touches on each room. If you’ve been reading Mirror80 this fall, you know that I’ve found some bargain items at antique malls, thrift stores and an antique festival. Time to put those finds to good use! We installed mirrors in our bathrooms last week (finally), so I thought I’d start by sharing these spaces with you…
Retro Style Roundup
Happy Wednesday, Everyone! Today I’ve rounded up a collection of images featuring the best in retro style on the internet, and I thought I’d point you to some posts and listings that have inspired me in my recent creative endeavors! From elegant ’80s fashion and interiors to delicious recipes and party concepts, this week it’s all about going glam. Read on for more details…
How to Shop Retro at an Antique Mall
This weekend was very rainy in Austin, TX. So my plan to hit a string of garage sales was thwarted…but that didn’t stop me from heading over to one of my favorite antique malls in search of 1980s finds! This month, Mirror80 is featuring a series of posts on shopping for retro decor. First we tackled the tent-filled world of antique shows. Next we talked estate sales. Today we’re focusing on the booth-studded wonder of antique malls! Who doesn’t love the comfort of air conditioning and the thrill of row after row of well-stocked spaces? Read on for more details…
An ’80s Halloween Mood Board
Happy Friday, Everyone! What are your plans for the weekend? I’ll be hitting some garage sales in search of retro treasures, as well as shooting our latest Retro Foodie event–an ’80s Halloween buffet. We’re talking junk food galore! The idea: to nosh on goodies and treats while watching some of our favorite horror flicks. Today we share the mood board that has served as our inspiration. Read on for the details…