Today Mirror80 turns 6! On August 15, 2010, the blog launched with a post about the return of ’80s design. Below I’m sharing a few favorite milestones. But first, cupcakes! I’m all about taking time to celebrate milestones, especially since time seems to speeding by the older I get. So today it’s all about being grateful for the past six years…
Neon, Palms and Ocean Views
A work trip turned into a fun trip last week when I hit California to collaborate with my good friend Jon of Happy Mundane. It had been 8 years since I’d visited California, and I’d never been to SoCal. There was inspiration everywhere I looked, from the rows of palm trees to the abundance of shopping centers with neon lighting. And don’t get me started on the mall interiors!…
Retro Architecture at the Beach
Happy first day of summer! I wanted to start off the week by sharing some snapshots from our beach trip this weekend. I was determined to get some photos of beachfront architecture, but what I didn’t expect was the large number of hotels and office buildings that were built in the ’70s and ’80s…
More ’80s Office Park Fun
Over the weekend, the weather was beautiful, and for the first time this year, I felt that summer was truly on the way! While many people packed picnic lunches and headed to the local lakes, my hubby and I made a special visit to…an ’80s office park.
Behind the Scenes: Spring Edition
Happy Wednesday! It’s been an exciting couple of weeks for the blog, so I thought I’d share some behind-the-scenes fun. My friend Jon from Happy Mundane came to visit me in Austin, and we worked on a colorful collaboration, then ran around town checking out interesting locations and snapping photos…
Favorite Photos
I wanted to take some time today and check in with all of you. Since the start of the new year, I’ve been making an effort to include more original photo shoots here at Mirror80. I’ve rounded up some of my favorites below. It goes without saying that every week I’ll continue to post lots of original design photos from the ’80s (many of them from my favorite 1980s design books). But I want to know what you’ve enjoyed in terms of original shoots. What are your favorites?
When Life Gets Messy…
This post has been a long time coming. In fact, I’ve been thinking about writing it since the second week of January! We all love fresh starts, and the new year is a great opportunity to wipe the slate clean. But what if life presents a series of challenges that aren’t easy to face and dismiss? Today I want to reflect on what happens when life gets messy, how to deal with it as best as you can, and (on a lighter note) how a couple of ’80s movie heroes can be a source of inspiration.
Happy New Year!
I’ve been taking a little break this week here at Mirror80, looking forward to the new year and planning some exciting new posts for 2016. I wanted to check in and say that I hope your holiday season was fabulous! I’ll be back next week with all-new original content for you. There’s nothing like a fresh start, right?! In the meantime, Happy New Year…
Have a Fabulous Holiday Weekend!
As we start winding down for the long holiday weekend ahead, I wanted to wish all of you a wonderful, colorful, relaxing Christmas! However you celebrate the holidays, try and find a quiet moment in the middle of the festivity, and make time to connect with the people you care about…
Mirror80 Highlights: A Look Back at 2015!
It’s that time again… I spent yesterday going through a year’s worth of Mirror80 posts, and I’ve picked out my favorites from 2015! First of all, thank you for making this past year such a rewarding one. Your readership, enthusiasm and comments help guide me in creating interesting content for you, and your engagement and support really make this blog feel like a true community. Read on for some of my favorite moments from 2015…