Happy December! We have some amazing features planned for this month, including more original photo shoots, some fabulous holiday gift ideas, and a collection of ’80s interiors that will redefine rad retro style. Before we face the approaching winter, let’s revel in a few fall memories. Below you will find links to some of our very favorite November posts…
Still Life Style: Rainbows, Ice Cream and Balloons
The images in today’s post look good enough to eat. After all, they beautifully capture the whimsical, delicious possibilities of modern art through the magic of still life styling and photography. Think back to your most vivid childhood dreams. Were there iridescent rainbows? Balloons on every surface? Ice cream cones that were almost too pretty to eat? This edition of Still Life Style is for you…
A Thanksgiving Still Life Photo Shoot
Today I’m excited to share Mirror80’s Thanksgiving shoot, a foodie extravaganza inspired by still life photography. In addition to celebrating delicious vignettes, this series of images just might give you a few ideas for easy Turkey Day food preparation options. I’ll start by sharing the still life photos, and in the second half of the post, I’ll talk more about the food and decor. Here are the pics…
Pastel Accessories and Decor with Memphis-Milano Style
One of my favorite aspects of Memphis-Milano design is the shocking combination of colors. When bright red meets lavender and aqua, pure magic is created. But what about the picture-perfect blend of pastels with a dash of vivid yellow? Today’s featured finds celebrate the tropical-toned side of Memphis, when everything comes together in a soothing blend, yet there’s just enough geometry and offbeat radiance to wake you up. Check out these fabulous new offerings…
Still Life Style: Foodie-Fabulous
November is officially in progress, and I’m planning a feast-themed Retro Foodie photo shoot with still life style. This is not your mother’s Thanksgiving meal, folks! For the shoot, I’m drawing lots of inspiration from still life art direction and photography, and I thought I’d share some of my favorite images with you in today’s post. Above we see still life photography from Sarah Hogan. Spice, anyone?!
More Amazing New Memphis Finds
Every day I come across new Memphis-style products, photo shoots and clothing items. I cant tell you how long I’ve waited to see 1980s design make a comeback on this level. Not to mention, geometry itself is one of today’s major design motifs (hello geo!), so it makes sense that the current creative climate would embrace all things Memphis–and reinterpret this design movement in delightfully unexpected ways!
Memphis-Milano Pottery from Recreation Center
Of all the ’80s interior design styles to make a comeback, Memphis-Milano has been the most popular. By far! In fact, a new take on this cutting-edge design movement has evolved–a style we at Mirror80 like to call the New Memphis. Today’s post celebrates the fact that New Memphis design has found its way to the world of ceramics, thanks to Recreation Center. Ready to see more?…
3D Illustrations by Anny Wang
I recently came across the 3-D illustrations of Anny Wang, a visual artist, spatial designer and furniture designer currently based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Her work is undeniably modern, and there is a fantastical element to her pieces, such as Golden, shown above. Some have a Vaporwave vibe, and some incorporate my very favorite elements: mirrors, marble and minerals. Her images are gaining popularity on Tumblr as well, and it’s easy to see why. Ready for more?…
Still Life Style: Fruits and Veggies
Are you as crazy about the current still life photography revival as I am? The colors, the bold use of everyday objects, the geometry! Whether functioning as high-end advertisements or personal art projects, these images often take on an ’80s vibe–what’s not to love?! Today we shine the spotlight on still life endeavors featuring fruits and veggies…
’80s Art Picks: Tropical Geometry
Ready for another ’80s art roundup? It’s been awhile since we’ve featured a collection of 1980s pieces currently for sale, and today’s batch explores the line between the tropical and the abstract. As it turns out, this line can easily be crossed–tropical and geometric art finds from the ’80s complement one another other quite well! Read on for a slew of fabulous finds…