Happy Summer, Everyone! OK, it may not be official yet… But when retailers are already putting their summer collections on sale, it’s time to take a minute and spotlight the stuff. Especially when the “stuff” features a trendy update of ’80s style. That’s what’s in store this summer–flamingos, palm trees, and ultra-bright florals that can’t help but conjure the makeup bags of yore. So today we pause for a moment to revel in the glory of 1980s summer style. And the fun way it’s revisited this season!
’80s Interior Design Project: A Fireplace Makeover
Hi Everyone! This past weekend I moved to a new place, and boy am I exhausted! But I’m excited to share the results of a DIY project my hubby and I embarked on–a project involving a slanted wooden fireplace. For those of you who weighed in on our living room design dilemma, I thank you for your comments. I definitely used your feedback, which included an idea for incorporating more than one color, as well as the suggestion of purchasing glossy paint. As you can see above (“Before” pic on the left; “After” on the right), the result is a subtle gradient effect that plays up the other warm tones of the room…
’80s Style at Niagara Falls
What is it about Niagara Falls that reminds us of the 1980s?… Is it those key scenes from Superman II? Or perhaps it’s the fact that many Niagara Falls hotel rooms haven’t been renovated since the ’80s, as illustrated by the images in today’s post! Remember when Mirror80 rounded up the best retro-style hotel rooms from the Poconos? Well, today it’s all about the Falls–Niagara Falls! And if these images make you wish you had someone special in your life, just remember that there isn’t enough bleach in the world that would make those bathtubs sanitary after all of these years…
Flamingo Fever!
From stickers and album covers to the opening credits of Miami Vice, flamingos were everywhere in the ’80s. Which is why we couldn’t be more thrilled that once again we’re in the middle of a flamingo fad! And it’s fun to see how they’ve re-emerged. In fact, some flamingos have an “indie craft” look, while others deliberately pay homage to our favorite decade of yore. It’s the latter group that’s the focus of today’s post! It’s starting to get hot outside, so it’s appropriate that flamingo fever has hit the world of design…
New Retro Decor
Happy Wednesday, Everyone! It’s cloudy and gray where I am, and maybe it’s cold where you are… But summer is definitely on the horizon! This is the time of the year I enjoy checking the new arrivals at some of my favorite stores, looking for any hint of New Retro style. Today at Mirror80, we round up the upcoming season’s best offerings with ’70s and ’80s flair. And I’m loving the fact that in addition to finding original pieces at thrift stores, it’s possible to piece together a retro-style room using completely new items!!!
An ’80s Interior Design Project
Hi Everyone! Just wanted to update you on Mirror80’s latest design project–my new place! If you’ve been following the blog over the last month or so, you know there have been some fun decisions along the way, including selecting a pendant light for the dining room (an ongoing saga) and brainstorming ways to “just go with” the ’80s-style kitchen–which just happens to be my favorite room in the house!
’80s Fashion Resources
Hi Everyone! For our final post celebrating ’80s Fashion Week here at Mirror80, we take a look at New Retro fashion resources. There are many eras to celebrate when it comes to vintage clothing and accessories, but where can you go for fun pieces from the ’70s through the ’90s? Read on for some of our fashion favorites…
1980s Fashion in Music Video
In honor of ’80s Fashion Week at Mirror80, today we spotlight the role of fashion in the realm of 1980s music video. Thanks to the advent of MTV in 1981, musicians had a new outlet for creativity, and they quickly filled the screen with the latest styles. A variety of looks emerged… Today we showcase a handful of them, as well as the music videos in which they appeared.
’80s Fashion Week Begins…
Today we begin ‘80s Fashion Week at Mirror80! We will be taking a look at some 1980s fashion finds, spotlighting ways that the ‘80s have returned to modern fashion design and sharing some of our favorite fashion resources with you! We begin the week with a mood board that highlights some of our top fashion blog posts here at Mirror80. From authentic 1980s vintage finds to ’80-style photo shoots we’ve collaborated on, here’s a montage of our most fashion-forward images! Enjoy! It’s going to be a stylish week…
An Iris and Lily Mood Board
Today we’re immersing ourselves in the ’80s iris and lily phenomenon! Ceramics, flowers, clothing and jewelry–this floral Deco look put its stamp on many a product in the decade of decadence. And the look is inspiring our latest Retro Foodie event, which is shaping up to be a glamorous take on 1980s floral style. I’ve put together a mood board to cement the theme, and I can’t help but start with the Mikasa plate at the top left of the montage, which is a gift from my friend Kat. Thanks to Kat for getting the ball rolling! Enjoy today’s montage, and stay tuned for our next Retro Foodie post in June, complete with recipes and decor…