New Retro finds for summer!
Happy Wednesday, Everyone! It’s cloudy and gray where I am, and maybe it’s cold where you are… But summer is definitely on the horizon! This is the time of the year I enjoy checking the new arrivals at some of my favorite stores, looking for any hint of New Retro style. Today at Mirror80, we round up the upcoming season’s best offerings with ’70s and ’80s flair. And I’m loving the fact that in addition to finding original pieces at thrift stores, it’s possible to piece together a retro-style room using completely new items!!!
Top Row (L to R): Flamingo art from West Elm, Soneca Pendant Lamp from CB2
Middle Row (L to R): Steel- Armed Bend Chair in Shale from West Elm, Beam Pepperhot Coffee Mug from CB2
Bottom Row (L to R): Bounce Doodad Cups from CB2, Rouge Coffee Table from CB2
Stay tuned for more posts on new finds with retro style!…
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