Good things are ahead in 2014…
We’re already a few weeks into 2014, so this daily planner makeover is long overdue! The secret ingredient in this easy DIY project: washi tape! Read on for all the details, as well as some of my personal goals for Mirror80 over the next year…

DIY planner supplies
Here’s what you’ll need:
- the planner of your choice, preferably one with a blank cover
- washi tape in eye-catching colors and/or patterns
- scissors

Washi tape is the ingredient of choice
Step 1: Begin by adding a few strips of tape to the outside of your planner. I trimmed the end of each piece at a diagonal.

The washi tape fun begins…

Taking care of loose ends
Step 2: Make sure you neatly secure the tape to the inside of your cover, as you will be looking at this surface every time you open your planner. If you choose to trim the tape back like I did, it’s not a bad idea to secure it with a dab of glue so it doesn’t peel away.
Step 3: Add more tape as desired. I even cut the sprinkle-pattern tape so it was a different width. A little variety never hurts, right?
Step 4: Cut shapes from the washi tape for some small accents. I added some “sprinkles” to the outside of my planner

An ’80s-style planner
What’s in store for Mirror80 this year? Plenty! One of my biggest goals was the launch of a new series that incorporates music videos, fashion and interior design: ’80s Music Video Land. And launch I did! Check out our first post in the series here, and be sure to check back this Friday for the second installment. Other goals? Become a master at working my camera, score some exciting interviews and expand on our Style Icon series. It’s going to be a great 2014…
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