Science! This isn’t the first time we at Mirror80 have turned our attention to the slew of scientific visuals that permeated the 1980s. The rise of the personal computer, the development of Reagan’s “Star Wars” program, and a range of technological breakthroughs became a focus in the news, but these events also infiltrated pop culture and helped create a “scientific aesthetic.” Musicians such as Thomas Dolby and film directors like Martha Coolidge incorporated this look into their creative works. Today we celebrate ’80s scientific visuals, as well as the way they reflected society’s enthusiasm for (and concerns about) technology during the decade of decadence…
Top Row (L to R): Cover art for A Flock of Seagulls’ “I Ran” via The Post Punk Progressive Pop Party, a still from the music video for Thomas Dolby’s “Radio Silence” via the Mirror80 Tumblr
Middle Row: A still from the 1985 Martha Coolidge film “Real Genius” via Mirror80
Bottom Row (clockwise from the top left): Stills from the music video for “I Ran” by A Flock of Seagulls via the Mirror80 Tumblr, an image from the Tumblr Aerobics, a still from the 1982 Ridley Scott film “Blade Runner” via Mirror80, a still from the music video for Thomas Dolby’s “Radio Silence” via Mirror80
Have a discovery-filled Tuesday!
Omni magazine would also be another great example of this – awesome blog
Your blog is INCREDIBLE.
Greetings from Italy.
Thank you so much–this makes my week! Greetings to you as well!