Love is in the air at Mount Poconos
A 7-foot champagne glass full of bubble bath. A bouquet of pink and red flowers. A plate of food perched dangerously near the edge of the bed. These are the ingredients for a romantic weekend in the Poconos if pictures tell the truth. In what can only be described as a blogger’s dream, I accidentally came across today’s retro-fabulous pictures while researching an article on 2-seater bathtubs for my awesome Decoist gig. Yes, all of the pictures for today’s post are from Cove Haven Entertainment Resorts. And from the looks of these pics, they haven’t been updated since the early ’90s. The same seems to be true of the rooms. Pure design bliss!
Above we have a series of tub shots. Lois and Clark’s Niagara Falls heart-infused hotel room from Superman II has nothing on these fantasy suites! And of the images below, all we can say is this… Yes, that’s a giant champagne glass bathtub at the top of the montage; yes, the interiors really appear to be that ’80s-fabulous; and like you, we just hope Dateline doesn’t show up with a black light to try and uncover evidence that the housekeeping department fails to spray down the room with Purell after each checkout. But why go there? Enjoy today’s pics… And Happy Friday!
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