Christmas wrapping in neon colors
This weekend I began wrapping my Christmas presents! Last year I used paper in muted colors, ribbon in rich hues, and bits of jewelry as decorative accents. This year I decided to go all out with a full-on color explosion. And it’s funny how just a few bright touches do the trick. Since we’re in the middle of a neon revival and neon was a true ’80s trend, why not make it a fluorescent holiday? Read on for more details…
Let’s start with the ingredients. Believe it or not, the majority of the wrapping paper and gift bags I purchased were not neon. Bold colors such as fire red were the perfect canvas for adding vivid details. Above we see paper in hot pink, tissue in bright lime green and hot pink, and ribbon in an assortment of colors. Check out the ribbon in more detail below…

Ribbons in neon Christmas hues
Surprise: it’s not all ribbon! Yes, what you see above is neon flagging tape, typically used for practical purposes. In fact, right now I’m looking out at my backyard and viewing several trees that the city has deemed in need of trimming or cutting down. And they’ve used neon flagging tape to mark them. As it turns out, this “tape” can be used to decorate a variety of items, from vases to gifts. Not to mention, flagging tape isn’t sticky, so it’s perfect for doubling as ribbon.
Don’t forget the curl ribbon! We used silver, as well as the traditional Christmas shades of red and green (not pictured). And as you can see in the image at the top of the post, the curl and fluidity of the ribbon adds a fun, frenetic finish that evokes many an ’80s art motif.
Happy Holidays! May they be colorful and festive!
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