Dudley Moore in the 1981 film Arthur
I know it’s crazy, but it’s true! Please excuse my reference to the theme song from the 1981 film Arthur, which features the best 1980s Deco-style bathroom I’ve ever laid eyes on. If you were a millionaire, wouldn’t you want to bathe in that tub? I wonder if Dudley Moore enjoyed being surrounded by pedestals of calla lilies…

'80s Deco details in a scene from Arthur
In the film, Moore plays Arthur, a millionaire who needs to grow up. This powder room is a good start. From the sun ray-motif windows to the fan-shaped sconces, interior details combine the best of the 1920s with the flair of the 1980s. One key ’80s element: the above-mentioned calla lilies. Remember that for your next ’80s party, kids…
It’s also hard not to love the silver chevron detailing around the windows, as well as the peach and green marble. These signature Art Deco colors are catapulted into the ’80s with the addition of a little extra gloss. In fact, I was just thinking that I hadn’t seen this level of ’80s Deco pizzazz since the wedding scene from The Muppets Take Manhattan. Low and behold, production designer Stephen Hendrickson is behind both films! I think a future blog post is in the works…
This ’80s Deco bathroom was so glamorous that a shot of Dudley Moore surrounded by bubbles in that tub is the image associated with the film’s promotional materials, including the movie poster! Enjoy a little Deco glitz on this lovely Wednesday!
Dunno. To me it looks kinda like art deco