The Infinity Dining and Infinity Cocktail tables from Muniz Plastics
One look at the furniture featured in today’s post, and you may assume these pieces are straight out of the ’80s. Strangely, even the pictures have a retro quality. To everyone’s surprise, these acrylic dining sets from Muniz Plastics are brand spanking new…honestly, we’re a bit confused, but it’s a blissful fog! ’80s-style Deco furniture is being manufactured once again?! We should throw a party and bring our crystal swans to decorate the tabletops!
Above we see the Infinity Dining and Infinity Cocktail tables. In addition to the Deco lines of the pieces, it’s as if the marketing team at Muniz hired a 1980s floral designer to top it all off with a tabletop arrangement of lilies. Or maybe there’s just something about curved furnishings and long-petaled flowers with bold silhouettes that stands the test of time…
Below we have a dining set fit for a Nagel model with translucent eyes. The Double H Crystallized Table and Venus Dining Chairs combine in a celebration of dramatic angles. Plus, you’ve gotta love the black seat cushions!:

The Double H Crystallized table and Venus Dining Chair from Muniz Plastics
We end with more ’80s-glamorous magic. The Crystallized Flower Table and Crystallized Flower Chairs may as well be in a 1980s Deco poster featuring a black vase of calla lilies resting on top of a lacquer piano. Perhaps you could recover the seats in teal…
A special thank-you to Muniz Plastics for making dining sets more blatantly ’80s than the furniture manufactured in the ’80s. We’re basking in the glow of crystal reflections on this most elegant of Wednesdays!
Pouvez-vous nous indiquer où il est possible de se procurer une table en acrylique rectangulaire pour 8 personnes ainsi que les chaises à dossier haut assortis.
Actuellement, nous sommes déjà en possession d’un tel modèle avec la table octogonale
qui ne va pas aller dans notre nouvel appartement. Elle nous prend trop de place.
Elle est en excellent état et allons chercher à la vendre dès que nous aurons trouvé le même
style en rectangulaire.
Merci d’avance , car il est actuellement impossible de trouver ce genre de mobilier que
nous aimons particulièrement.