Flagging tape adds an '80s touch to a trio of vases
It’s Day 2 of ’80s DIY Week here at Mirror80, and we have another project for you to enjoy! This one involves re-purposing the flagging tape used by surveyors. Why we love it: it’s a neon blitz! Plus, with its accessibility and affordability ($1.99 at Home Depot, folks), this ribbon-like “tape” is an easy way to add an ’80s dash of color to the items around your home. Today’s target: vases!
Our inspiration for this post came from Anthology Magazine, which featured an article on the use of neon accents in Holiday decor. Flagging tape was a major focus of this piece. And without my friend Kat to point me to the story, today’s DIY blog post never would have happened. Thank you, Kat!

'80s DIY supplies
What You’ll Need:
- flagging tape (available at home improvement stores)
- assorted vases; feel free to use pieces from around your home
- double-sided tape
How It’s Done:
Step 1: Select the vases that will be the canvas for this project. While round vases with bulges will work for this endeavor (as in the blue vase above), keep in mind that the vase will need at least one non-protruding area so the flagging tape can lie flat when wrapped around the container.
Step 2: Cut the flagging tape so it’s an ideal length for wrapping around the vase.
Step 3: Decide on a flagging tape width to complement your vase. While the tape is one inch wide, it can be slimmed down by folding. Cutting the tape lengthwise to reduce its width is an option, but it’s not as neatly executed as the folding method, which provides a sleek, straight edge.
Step 4: Secure one end of the flagging tape to the vase with a piece of double-sided tape (though it’s called flagging tape, it is not adhesive and therefore will not stick to the vase on its own). Now begin wrapping the flagging tape around the vase until the desired brightness is achieved. Flagging tape is thin, so if you do not fold/double it over to reduce its width, you may want to wrap it around the vase more than once to saturate the color.
Step 5: Cut any excess flagging tape that remains and secure the rest in place with double-sided tape.
Why It Works:
This colorful DIY project is a great way to celebrate the neon hues of the ’80s without spending a fortune. Flagging tape is so amazingly affordable and versatile, you’ll find many ways to use it for crafty purposes, from creating streamers for your next ’80s party to jazzing up the surfaces of your home.
Have a vibrant Tuesday!
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