Happy Monday, Everyone! If you’re like me and not quite ready for the beginning of a new work week, check out these palmy images and let them take you away to another place… an ’80s-style balmy one! As we’ve mentioned, the ’80s revival has recently received a huge boost with the help of Tumblr. From time to time, we at Mirror80 enjoy rounding up our favorite Tumblr pics, and today we explore an undeniable Tumblr trend: palm trees! Check out the images that follow, as well as the links for some great ’80s-style Tumblr fun…
New ’80-Style Tropical Fashion
Summer is still months away, but that didn’t stop the tropics from putting their stamp on spring fashion for 2013. And it’s not just the tropics…it’s the ’80s tropics! Forget the muted tones of cruise wear. This fashion is hot, hot hot. Vivid pinks, blues and greens are set against a backdrop of black, and the patterns are edgy enough to propel these pieces out of the lagoon and onto the streets of Miami. Oh, and we have Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters to thank for the pieces you see above!
Aquarium Plants Make an ’80s Statement
Why is it that I’ve always associated aquariums and sea life with the 1980s? Could it be movies like Jaws 3, with its wonderful ’80s Sea World setting? Or maybe it’s the plethora of dolphin figurines and other sea life-themed decor from that time period. Or the fact that my family had an aquarium as a kid, so I spent many an ’80s weekend picking out fish and accessories for the tank. Whatever it is, I am clearly preoccupied with aquarium plants. Yes, the fake kind. After viewing today’s selections from Petco, perhaps you’ll agree that faux foliage of the undersea nature can truly make an ’80s statement!