We at Mirror80 have made no secret of our love for lobby style. Call is Lobby Sleek, Lobby Chic, or Lobby Luxe, this look in some ways never left. Office buildings and hotels today still feature metallic planters and dramatic sculptures. Marble tile graces many a bank entry. And who doesn’t love a piece of geometric abstract art? We’re already planning our next foodie event, and this lobby grandeur is a style that we could get excited about. Now we just need some yuppie-fabulous recipes to complete the evening…
Mid-Week Match-Up: ’80s Lobby Chic
Remember that feeling of walking into a bank as a kid? The marble floors, the potted plants, the metallic railing… Or passing through the lobby of a classy hotel, with its dramatic wall sconces and cylinder tables? This week Mirror80 asks, “Why not bring the lobby look home?” We began by tapping into the sleek wonder of the BBC’s Pebble Mill Studios, as shown in Tuesday’s post featuring a performance by Nick Heyward. Today we recreate ’80s Lobby Chic using contemporary finds.