Crystal chandeliers, white tigers, pink flamingos, neon lipstick, diamonds, casinos, race cars, bikinis, palm trees, and some crazy editing… That’s what you’ll find in the video for “Reaching Out” by Nero, today’s Friday Video Pick! When it came to pairing visuals with rhythms, the UK-based electronic group went all out for this track from their 2011 debut album.
’80s-Style Summer Finds
Happy Summer, Everyone! OK, it may not be official yet… But when retailers are already putting their summer collections on sale, it’s time to take a minute and spotlight the stuff. Especially when the “stuff” features a trendy update of ’80s style. That’s what’s in store this summer–flamingos, palm trees, and ultra-bright florals that can’t help but conjure the makeup bags of yore. So today we pause for a moment to revel in the glory of 1980s summer style. And the fun way it’s revisited this season!