Today I’m sharing a sneak peek at a DIY geo paper art project I created for Decoist. It’s super easy and lots of fun! All you need is paper, a cutting tool (scissors or a paper trimmer will do), and the adhesive of your choice. There are no set rules–only the joy of arranging and rearranging colorful cut paper!
Retro-Meets-Modern DIY Fun
Feeling crafty? Kate here, and I wanted to take a moment to celebrate some of Mirror80’s recent featured DIY projects. Many of you know that I also blog for Decoist, and one of my favorite design blogging pastimes is creating original projects. When there’s an overlap between the retro and the modern, I share those endeavors here on Mirror80! Above we see my latest creation, a DIY Geo Wall Art project.
Our Favorite October Posts
It’s been an amazing October at Mirror80! We’ve reveled in the new fall season, cooked up two Retro Foodie photo shoots, and enjoyed a couple of DIY projects. Add a series on bargain shopping for retro finds and a tour of a very ’80s bathroom, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Today we take a look back at our favorite October moments. In case you missed anything or you want to take a second look…
’80s DIY: Painted Butternut Squash
Halloween is tomorrow, folks! This past weekend I got a bit crafty and decided to create a DIY painted pumpkin. Then I started thinking about the colors I was interested in featuring, and it occurred to me that the peach tone of butternut squash would make the perfect canvas for my ’80s-style landscape design. Plus, I’ve had pumpkins in the house for the last month, and a butternut squash would be a refreshing centerpiece for November! Read on for all of the retro DIY fun…
’80s DIY: A Paper Strip Art Project
Hi Everyone! I’ve been excited to share this ’80s-style paper strip DIY project with you for awhile now…but first I had to finish it! Like many worthwhile projects, this one had many phases, and the best developments occurred when I hit some major roadblocks. But I’m finally done with the wall art, and now that the kinks are ironed out, I have a pretty easy set of steps for you to follow if you want to try creating one of your own. Read on for the details. If you’re a talker, the text will provide a detailed explanation. If you’re more of a visual learner, the pictures should be a big help…
’80s Interior Design Project: A Fireplace Makeover
Hi Everyone! This past weekend I moved to a new place, and boy am I exhausted! But I’m excited to share the results of a DIY project my hubby and I embarked on–a project involving a slanted wooden fireplace. For those of you who weighed in on our living room design dilemma, I thank you for your comments. I definitely used your feedback, which included an idea for incorporating more than one color, as well as the suggestion of purchasing glossy paint. As you can see above (“Before” pic on the left; “After” on the right), the result is a subtle gradient effect that plays up the other warm tones of the room…
’80s DIY: A Floral Tower
If you’ve been reading Mirror80 this month, you know it’s been my dream to construct a sculptural floral arrangement in a ceramic round planter. Today we debut the DIY results, and we couldn’t be more excited! This project has an undeniably ’80s look. What keeps it from looking outdated? You have to commit 100% to clearly taking it over the top. Bright colors and lots of height help to achieve this goal, as you’ll see below…
Spring DIY Inspiration
You may remember that a few weeks ago I was planning an ’80s DIY project involving a ceramic round planter. In fact, I hadn’t yet located one of these beauties and was hoping to find something like the Vintage Black Haeger Pottery Planter above! This week I found the planter of my dreams in a shade of blue-gray at a local thrift store. A styrofoam circle and some faux flowers should complete the look, and I’ve brainstormed a few possibilities below…
An ’80s-Style Ripped Paper DIY Project
Looking for an easy ’80s DIY project? Try a little art piece that can be completed in 30 minutes with the help of ripped paper and glue. This weekend I found myself in need of a modern minimalist piece to anchor a living room display of framed art. Desiring a picture that channeled ’80s modern design (think “office building chic”), I decided to begin a 3-color DIY project based on a large piece I’d briefly spotted in the 1991 film Regarding Henry starring Harrison Ford. Could my last-minute endeavor be more random? Read on for the details…