Today’s video pick comes from Madonna–a track that isn’t the first to come to mind when you think of this style icon. Why not? Perhaps because “Burning Up” was only her second single, or maybe because it received mixed reviews at the time of its release. But let’s face it: this stripped-down song with the pounding sounds of a drum machine, guitar and bass has got something. And even though the video is from early in Madonna’s career, she is true to form, using it as a vehicle to stand her ground and make a bold statement.
The ’80s Connection: An Interview with Jason Cawood
There’s no denying that a recent influx of ’80s-themed Tumblrs has showcased the decade’s fashion, interiors, pop culture and art in vivid detail. And no Tumblr offers a more comprehensive and well-sourced collection of 1980s artwork than “80s art,” created by Jason Cawood. Vibrant geometry, abstract forms and bold designs reign on Cawood’s Tumblr, which is a clear fan favorite. This past week, I had the honor of corresponding with Jason Cawood, who shared his thoughts on a range of topics, from ’80s art trends to Tumblr’s role in the decade’s unfolding revival…
5 Glitzy ’80s Christmas Decor Trends
With Thanksgiving officially over, the Christmas season is upon us! If you are a design freak like me, and you were wondering how to bring a little ’80s to your holiday decor, look no further… Today we showcase 5 Christmas decoration ideas that spotlight 1980s design motifs. And you don’t have to go vintage to get the ’80s look!
Mirror80 Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksiving, Everyone!!! As you prepare to feast, take a look at this furnishing fabric pattern inspired by Native American motifs. This 1980s pattern is called Zeebak, and it was designed by Liberty. We love the striped mishmash of ’80s Southwestern designs, and the way it could easily be worn today (or be used to upholster your sofa pillows).
The ’80s Connection: An Interview with Annabel Schofield – Part 2
Last week Mirror80 published Part 1 of our interview with the lovely Annabel Schofield, an author and producer who enjoyed an acting and international modeling career in the 1980s and 1990s. Ms. Schofield shared her thoughts on ’80s fashion, and she reflected on what it was like to act and model in the midst of the decade of decadence! Today, Annabel discusses her ’80s memories, as well as her serialized novel The Cherry Alignment, which semi-autobiographically explores the life of an actress in 1980s-90s Hollywood. Her blog of the same name is a wealth of information on 1980s fashion, film and music. Read on for more fabulous ’80s details…
The ’80s Connection: Author, Actress and International Model Annabel Schofield
I’ve recently had the pleasure of corresponding with the lovely Annabel Schofield, an international fashion model of the ’80s who starred in ad campaigns for the likes of Revlon, Gianni Versace, Yves St. Laurent and Levi’s. And yes, you probably remember her from an iconic commercial in which she famously uttered: “Excuse me, are those Bugle Boy jeans you’re wearing?” But there’s much more to Ms. Schofield than meets the eye, including her serial novel The Cherry Alignment, which semi-autobiographically explores the life and times of an actress working in Hollywood in the ’80s and ’90s. In fact, this novel began as a screenplay, and there’s no doubt that it would make the perfect long-overdue HBO series with a focus on the decade of decadence!
’80s Neon Finds!
To say that neon has made a comeback is an understatement. Not only has it found its way back to our wardrobes, it’s even put its stamp on the world of interior design. In fact, I recently came across a DIY project for incorporating neon-dipped pine cones into Thanksgiving place settings. Yes, we are a neon-crazy culture at this point in time! Let’s see where it all began, shall we?… I thought I’d visit Etsy and round up some amazing vintage neon finds.
Footloose, Fluorescent Fish, and a Little Bit of Christmas
Happy Monday, Everyone. Hope your weekend was fun and relaxing! Mine was both chill and productive. As you can see from the image above, I’m starting to plan this year’s Christmas decorations, and you can bet I’m drawing inspiration from the 1980s. I’ll be hosting a Christmas shindig that features 80s-style holiday decor and sharing the pics with you at the beginning of December. If the crazy-early Christmas decorations at retail establishments have already put you in the holiday mood, check out some Mirror80 pics from Christmases past.
Friday Video Picks: Saturday Night Live Skits Showcase ’80s Design
So what are we looking at here?… It’s a skit from a mid-’80s episode of Saturday Night Live, a spoof of those bizarro 1980s Calvin Klein “Obsession” commercials that featured stark white interiors, models clad in black, and verse that was both obscure and meaningless at the same time. And the occasional slap in the face. In our first video pick, the SNL gang takes a stab at it with their commercial parody titled “Compulsion.” Watch it below:
Mirror80 Book Review: In the Pleasure Groove by John Taylor
I spent the evening of October 26th at Austin, Texas’ Scottish Rite Theatre, a historic site that manages to be grand yet intimate. Nearly every seat in the house was packed. To my right, a group of 10 women in their thirties squealed like school girls while passing around a picture of Duran Duran bassist John Taylor, who would be taking the stage within the next few minutes. Yes, it was a speaking engagement and book signing to celebrate the release of Taylor’s memoir In the Pleasure Groove: Love, Death & Duran Duran. As its title suggests, this book is as much about life as it is about John Taylor’s days with the band. And for me, the evening of October 26th was as much about reflecting on creativity and the passage of time as it was about seeing one of my childhood idols in person.