Hope everyone’s having a good weekend! I decided to tackle a few projects in my dining room and wanted to share the results. This room has appeared in many of Mirror80’s Retro Foodie posts, and to be honest, it’s always been a work in progress. As you can tell by the photo above, it’s not a strictly ’80s space, although it does feature many ’80s elements. I like to call it “retro eclectic”…
New Decor/Retro Flair: IKEA
Today’s edition of New Decor/Retro Flair is all about IKEA. Because everyone loves a good bargain! There’s a breezy vibe to the brand’s newest arrivals, and before the fall collection emerges, let’s revel in a bit of summer style, shall we?! Check out the links below for all the retro-modern details…
Tropical Beach Photos
Happy Monday! Today I’m sharing some photos from my weekend beach trip. South Padre Island, Texas was the destination of choice, and my husband’s lovely family—who is now my family—hosted us in style. They found us the most amazing condo to enjoy, which was a prime spot for taking in the Friday night fireworks. They took us out to eat at delicious restaurants, gave us a tour of the island, and were all around amazing as usual. Here are some of my favorite photos
A Halt and Catch Fire Interview with Lance Totten – Part 2
Did you catch Part 1 of our interview with Halt and Catch Fire Set Decorator Lance Totten? When the ’80s design knowledge is this good, you can’t contain it in one interview…which is why today we present Part 2! For the past two seasons, Lance has brought his expertise to the beloved AMC drama Halt and Catch Fire. Read on as he tells us how he tracks down those amazing retro computers, how he covers the walls of the set with amazing artwork time and time again, and how the 1980s have influenced his life and work…
Mirror80 July Favorites
Happy end of July! We have a pretty amazing week planned here at Mirror80, as I’m all set to publish Part 2 of my interview with Halt and Catch Fire Set Decorator Lance Totten. SO much ’80s style to celebrate! Since that post will clearly be the high point of the week, I’m sharing our July Favorites a little early. Did you miss anything this month? Here are some top posts, from a colorful summer party concept to a vibrant look at still life style. Read on for all the details…
Fashion Spotlight: Modern Necklaces
Tassels, brass and chunky beads…modern necklaces are the perfect blend of fashion and art. Some reference Memphis-Milano style, while others have a hint of African flair. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Today we showcase a range of necklaces at an equal range of price points. Above we see eye-catching, affordable offerings from Baba Souk.
Favorite Pins: Pastels
You may have noticed that pastels are kind of a thing these days, especially in the worlds of art and design! But this time around it’s not about frills. A perfect combination of candy colors and modern style has emerged. Many a Pinterest enthusiast has a board dedicated to soft hues, and today I’m sharing a few of my favorite pastel pins…
2 Refreshing Mocktails for Summer
Sometimes in the heat of the summer, it’s nice to take a break from the booze. Maybe you’re looking for a non-alcoholic alternative to serve at a party, or perhaps you just want to keep things light and fresh. Today I’m sharing two mocktails that are so easy to prepare, I’d hardly call the instructions below “recipes”. Keep reading for details…
’80s Art Picks: Fashion Posters
In today’s edition of ’80s Art Picks, we take a look at 6 retro-fabulous fashion posters currently for sale through eBay and Etsy. From Nagel-esque creations to the work of artist and advertising illustrator Michel Canetti, the selections below showcase both firm lines and fluid strokes. Enjoy…
New Decor/Retro Flair: Sleek and Chic
In today’s edition of New Decor/Retro Flair, we take things in a sleek direction. Many of the featured finds above are from the new fall collections (yes, fall decor is already arriving in stores!), and we’re loving the ’70s/’80s undertones in these chic modern pieces. Get ready for neutral hues and powerful contrasts, plus a dash of peach. Read on for links and details…