Get ready for some smooth tunes! Today I’m sharing an ’80s/’90s Sophisti-pop playlist. The genre originated in the UK in the mid-1980s, combining elements of jazz, pop and soul. Yet some use the term “Sophisti-pop” to encompass a range of musical selections with a sleek, polished feel…
The 2016 Mirror80 Gift Guide
Happy Holidays! Today I’m happy to present the Mirror80 Gift Guide! Get ready for a big dose of retro-modern goodness. Whether you’re on a tight budget or you’re looking to splurge, check out the amazing finds that follow…
Cozy Modern ’80s Interiors
With winter rapidly approaching, having a cozy, well-lit home becomes all the more important. The ’80s interiors featured in today’s post are bright, clean-lined and fabulous. The perfect antidote to cold, grey weather…
Thoughts on Holiday Decorating…
Why decorate for the holidays? I’m beginning to think it’s about more than decking the halls. Let’s start with the decor! What’s your holiday style? Today I’m sharing mine, as well as sharing a little bit about what holiday decorating means to me. Not in a made-for-TV movie kind of way. It’s about survival, folks!
Christmas in the City
The holidays are here, and there’s nothing like a retro Christmas in the city! There’s just something about the snowy New York of When Harry Met Sally, the magical department store of Miracle on 34th Street, and the twinkle light-filled Chicago streets of Vice Versa…
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! I don’t know about you, but I’ve had an extremely busy week. So busy I’m just now having time to prepare for hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow. Yikes! I hope today finds you looking forward to some time off.
A DIY Gift Bag Idea
Hi Everyone! I’m sharing a festive holiday DIY today, and this fun painting project can be used any time of the year to embellish gift bags and gift wrap. Memphis-Milano style takes center stage, along with metallic paint. Continue reading for a few easy steps that will help you create a DIY gift bag (or 10!) this season…
A Festive Party Playlist
The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! Maybe you’re reveling in the process of hosting your first Thanksgiving. Or maybe you’re counting down the days until a sparkling New Year’s Eve. As the weather gets colder and we hunker down for the holidays, here’s a little party playlist to lighten everything up…
A Modern Fall Table
Today I’m sharing a fall table idea that combines a big dose of geometry with a dash of natural beauty. The formula: borrow a few of your favorite geo decor items, add a handful of affordable fall accents, and say yes to a mix of warm and cool tones. Read on for photos and details…
Retro-Modern Mood Boards for Fall
Since fall is in full force, I thought I’d reflect back on the last few Novembers at Mirror80. Each year, I’m inspired to create a fall tablescape, and I’m heavily influenced by ’80s motifs, as well as new design trends. Read on for details and mood boards filled with LOTS of retro-modern images…