Happy November, Everyone! Before move forward with a new month, let’s take a look back at some of our favorite Mirror80 posts for October. A celebration of still life photography, our second monthly fashion shoot, and several DIY projects were highlights of our October. November promises to be even more exciting, with a tour of two modern rooms swimming in ’80s style, as well as a new Retro Foodie post that combines Thanksgiving tablescapes with still life style.
Mirror80 September Favorites
Happy first day of October! Before we launch a new month of features, let’s take a look back at some of our favorite posts from September. It’s been a month of grids, geometry and that first hint of fall. Curious about the images above? Keep reading for additional details about these retro-meets-modern motifs…
Mirror80 August Favorites
Happy first week of September! Let’s take a quick look back at some of Mirror80’s favorite August moments. On the agenda last month: lots of ’80s-style DIY fun, a tropical party, the launch of 2 new series, and a focus on retro-modern interior design. What’s new for September? The emergence of fall style (with a retro twist, of course), a special fashion post, a home tour and more. But before we get ahead of ourselves, here’s how we soaked up every last bit of August…
Mirror80 July Favorites
On this second to last day of July, we’re looking back at our favorite posts from the past month. Kate here, and I’m happy to report that it’s been a month of creative inspiration, DIY projects and little trips to beachy locations. Not to mention, we celebrated our favorite television series of the summer with a viewing party concept that involves plenty of ’80s tech style. Join us as we reminisce…
Summer Weekends
Happy Monday, Everyone! This has been the busiest summer I’ve had in a long time, but it’s also been one of the best. Lots of friends and family visiting from out of town, and lots of lazy nights outside. But not too lazy–there are always side projects in the works, like new endeavors for Mirror80. My ideal weekend involves a healthy blend of relaxation and creativity. This past weekend was just that. Today I’m sharing a few snapshots…
Mirror80 June Favorites
On this last day of June, we at Mirror80 are taking a look back at our favorite moments from the past month. For us, June was all about celebrating art, design, and our favorite new television show, Halt and Catch Fire. In July, expect TWO Retro Foodie posts featuring ’80s-style summer party concepts, a couple of DIY projects that revel in modern geometry, and more of your favorite features on retro-meets-modern art, fashion and design. Read on for some unforgettable June highlights:
On Learning to Recharge…
Happy Monday, Everyone! This past spring, Mirror80 started a new series that celebrates the creative process. Many of you have written in and shared information about your own creative projects, and it occurred to me that a lot of us are in this together–living a life that includes a heavy dose of creativity on a weekly, daily or hourly basis. Our first post in the series (titled “On Creativity”) gave a little bit of background on Mirror80, then asked all of you to get involved in the dialogue. We then focused “On Making a Fresh Start” and the ways that a few changes can take creativity to new heights. Today we take a look at the power of recharging…
Mirror80 May Favorites
May at Mirror80 has been all about celebrating geometry, creative possibilities, and materials such as marble, metal and glass. In fact, this month we’ve spent quite a bit of time highlighting the intersection of modern geo style and 1980s minimalism. Today we take a look back at some of our favorite moments, complete with pictures and links so you can quickly access each original post. Now that May has come and gone, we are officially in summer mode. June’s going to be good…
On Making a Fresh Start…
Happy Monday, Everyone! Over the past week or two, I’ve made some changes in my life. Not huge changes, but a few small tweaks that have made a big difference. It started with a simple idea of keeping a variety of chopped fresh fruits and veggies in the fridge…
Mirror80 April Highlights
Hi Everyone! April was a busy month for us here at Mirror80. We spent a week reveling in a marble-infused style we like to call “Lobby Chic,” we began planning our next Retro Foodie photo shoot, and I (Kate) was featured in a Designer Profile that highlighted the style and mission of Mirror80. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!…