This week is off to an amazing start, and it’s all because SXSW is here! It’s truly the most beautiful time of the year in Austin (spring weather is finally starting), and with travelers from all over the world pouring into the city, it’s a blast to walk around downtown and people watch. I’m only taking Thursday and Friday off from work, so my film festival fun has been limited to one movie a day so far, but they’ve been very memorable selections. Let’s start with The Breakfast Club…
Mirror80 Favorites: Early 2015
Now that we’re officially into March, I wanted to revisit some of my favorite Mirror80 posts from early 2015. The photos above reflect my commitment to making this blog your top source for recent retro style, including mid-’70s through mid-’90s design trends, as well as new decor finds with roots in the past. Here’s a little more about Mirror80, complete with links to the best posts of early 2015…
An ’80s Night In…
This winter has been colder than usual in my neck of the woods, and there have been plenty of nights that involved miserable weather–the kind that makes it anything but tempting to go out. So I decided to master the art of staying in. What does it take to have a decadent night at home? Whether it’s dinner for one, an evening with your special someone or a small gathering of friends, here are a few ideas for enjoying an ’80s-style night in!
On Facing Challenges…
Today’s post is about what happens when you start the new year with a fresh outlook and a long list of goals, but challenges arise a bit sooner than you expected. Anyone with me here? From time to time on Mirror80, I enjoy reflecting on life issues, and staying motivated can be a big one for people who make time for creative endeavors…and all of life’s other demands!
Office Building Bliss
This weekend the sun came out for the first time in days, so I hit the Arboretum with my hubby for a January walk. What’s the Arboretum? It’s an open-air mall featuring some pretty amazing landscaping, several office buildings and an upscale hotel (which you may remember from this post). Did I mention the Arboretum opened in 1985? Some amazing buildings to gawk at here…
New Goals for a New Year
Hi Everyone! On this first weekend of 2015, I’m setting goals for the year ahead. I thought I’d share my Mirror80 resolutions with you, not only because I’m super excited about them, but because getting the word out will encourage me to meet my goals. Accountability is a powerful thing!
Happy New Year!
Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with realized dreams, boundless joy and LOTS of retro style! This is my favorite holiday of the year–there’s something about a fresh start that fills me with creative energy. I plan to spend the next couple of days reflecting on the past year and setting goals for 2015. I’m excited about where Mirror80 is headed, and I can’t wait to share some new developments with you in the coming months.
Mirror80’s Best Blog Posts of 2014
Happy almost New Year! As January 1st approaches, I thought I’d take a look back at 2014 and share a few of my favorite blog posts. Kate here, and I want to thank each and every one of you for making this past year an amazing one. Below you’ll find 20 highlights from the last 12 months, complete with photos and links in case you’d like to check out anything you may have missed. I have some exciting features planned for the coming months, and I can’t wait for Mirror80 to evolve in 2015! Until then…
Merry Christmas
Wishing you Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and more as we prepare to slow down for a bit! Whether you’re in the middle of a long break or taking a little time off here and there, try to fill these moments with the people you love and something special you enjoy…
Retro Christmas Memories…
Happy Holidays! This weekend I’ll debut the 2014 Mirror80 Gift Guide, but first I wanted to end the work week by looking back at some Mirror80 posts of Christmases past. See the festive pics above, then check out the links to the original posts below! And don’t judge too harshly on my less than stellar camera skills in some of these posts. It’s a good thing I upgraded my camera last year and am continuing to improve my photography skills ; – ) Nonetheless, it’s always fun to take a trip down memory lane…