Today Mirror80 turns 7! Yes, 7!!! It’s amazing to think about the first post I wrote back in August of 2010, followed by an interview with a vintage vendor who shared some of the hurdles that would have to be overcome in order for a full ’80s design revival to occur. Fast forward 7 years, and not only are we in the middle of an ’80s design revival, it’s definitely going strong!
Behind the Scenes: Spring Edition
What a spring it’s been! Many of you know that we welcomed a daughter earlier this year, and we’ve been thoroughly enjoying every minute with her. Today I’m sharing some snapshots from a few of my most recent creative projects, starting with the streamers above…
Enjoy the Holidays!
Happy Holidays, Everyone! I’ll be taking a break from blogging for a week or so, then picking back up just before the new year. Before I wind down for the break, I want to wish all of you a restful holiday season, filled with festivity and (hopefully) some down time. And I also hope that somewhere in the midst of the busy-ness, you can spend time with the people you care about the most.
My Favorite Posts of 2016
Can you believe we’re in the last two weeks of 2016?! Before everyone winds down for the holidays, I wanted to share my favorite Mirror80 posts from the past year. I have some exciting projects in the works, and I can’t wait to see how Mirror80 grows in the next 12 months. Until then, here are some highlights from 2016…
Thoughts on Holiday Decorating…
Why decorate for the holidays? I’m beginning to think it’s about more than decking the halls. Let’s start with the decor! What’s your holiday style? Today I’m sharing mine, as well as sharing a little bit about what holiday decorating means to me. Not in a made-for-TV movie kind of way. It’s about survival, folks!
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! I don’t know about you, but I’ve had an extremely busy week. So busy I’m just now having time to prepare for hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow. Yikes! I hope today finds you looking forward to some time off.
Retro-Modern Mood Boards for Fall
Since fall is in full force, I thought I’d reflect back on the last few Novembers at Mirror80. Each year, I’m inspired to create a fall tablescape, and I’m heavily influenced by ’80s motifs, as well as new design trends. Read on for details and mood boards filled with LOTS of retro-modern images…
Embracing Color
Every year around Halloween, I buy a colorful wig for some costume-y fun and prepare to revel in vivid hues. And every year as I pack away the wig, I tell myself I’m going to find ways to celebrate color on a daily basis well past Halloween. That can be challenging, especially as fall and winter hues become more subdued, mirroring the cold, grey weather outside…
Fall Break
Hi Everyone! This week I’m taking a fall break to spend quality time with family and do some behind-the-scenes work on the blog. I’ll be back next week with two Halloween-related posts that pile on the retro style. Until then, I’m sharing a few links for you to check out and enjoy…
Fall at Mirror80
In honor of fall’s arrival, today I’m sharing some of my favorite Mirror80 posts…and giving you a sneak preview of what’s to come in the next couple of months! Keep reading for plenty of fun fall project ideas, lots of retro-modern styling, and a little taste of autumn!