In March I began corresponding with musician and artist Cory You, and we instantly bonded over our love for ’80s design. As the months went by, I began to see just how much the 1980s influenced Cory’s creative works. In fact, I was blown away by his drive to create on a daily basis. Seriously, this man is always creating new images, sounds and looks! His constant search for unique ’80s visuals and thrift store finds regularly inspired me, and when I realized what an expert he was at mining my favorite decade for its most interesting elements, I knew he would be my next ’80s Connection interview. So without further ado, let’s meet Cory You!…
The ’80s Connection: Arturo Bozeman Hernandez
About a year ago, I began corresponding with Arturo Bozeman Hernandez, a California entrepreneur who shares my love of 1980s design. One of the many things that impressed me at that time was his knowledge of ’80s graphic design. Then I became aware of the impressive level of detail Art puts into his own creations, particularly when it comes to the graphic design for Rocksteady Fitness, the business he owns with his lovely wife Melissa (he is the Marketing and Operations Manager and she is the Head Trainer). With locations in Ventura and Oxnard, California, Rocksteady offers personal training, group classes and massage therapy.
The ’80s Connection: An Interview with Jason Cawood
There’s no denying that a recent influx of ’80s-themed Tumblrs has showcased the decade’s fashion, interiors, pop culture and art in vivid detail. And no Tumblr offers a more comprehensive and well-sourced collection of 1980s artwork than “80s art,” created by Jason Cawood. Vibrant geometry, abstract forms and bold designs reign on Cawood’s Tumblr, which is a clear fan favorite. This past week, I had the honor of corresponding with Jason Cawood, who shared his thoughts on a range of topics, from ’80s art trends to Tumblr’s role in the decade’s unfolding revival…
The ’80s Connection: An Interview with Annabel Schofield – Part 2
Last week Mirror80 published Part 1 of our interview with the lovely Annabel Schofield, an author and producer who enjoyed an acting and international modeling career in the 1980s and 1990s. Ms. Schofield shared her thoughts on ’80s fashion, and she reflected on what it was like to act and model in the midst of the decade of decadence! Today, Annabel discusses her ’80s memories, as well as her serialized novel The Cherry Alignment, which semi-autobiographically explores the life of an actress in 1980s-90s Hollywood. Her blog of the same name is a wealth of information on 1980s fashion, film and music. Read on for more fabulous ’80s details…
The ’80s Connection: Author, Actress and International Model Annabel Schofield
I’ve recently had the pleasure of corresponding with the lovely Annabel Schofield, an international fashion model of the ’80s who starred in ad campaigns for the likes of Revlon, Gianni Versace, Yves St. Laurent and Levi’s. And yes, you probably remember her from an iconic commercial in which she famously uttered: “Excuse me, are those Bugle Boy jeans you’re wearing?” But there’s much more to Ms. Schofield than meets the eye, including her serial novel The Cherry Alignment, which semi-autobiographically explores the life and times of an actress working in Hollywood in the ’80s and ’90s. In fact, this novel began as a screenplay, and there’s no doubt that it would make the perfect long-overdue HBO series with a focus on the decade of decadence!