This past weekend I saw Drive, Nicolas Winding Refn’s action thriller that has been called Neon Noir, or at the very least, noted as reminiscent of the seedy yet stylish action flicks of the ’80s. Think Michael Mann’s Thief, Brian de Palma’s Body Double or William Friedkin’s To Live and Die in L.A. On the small screen, Neon Noir emerged as Miami Vice, the hit series that ran on NBC from 1984-1989. It’s no coincidence that Michael Mann was its executive producer.
Friday Video Pick: “Dracula’s Tango” by Toto Coelo
With Halloween rapidly approaching, there was no other choice for today’s Friday Video Pick. This hauntingly likable tune from British New Wave pop group Toto Coelo was not as popular as their first release, “I Eat Cannibals,” but it’s perfect for this time of the year!
An ’80s Interior Design Revival?
Are we headed for a full-fledged 1980s interior design revival? Mirror80’s opinion: Absolutely! And we’re not the only ones who think so. Click on the link below to view the article “Retro Riches” by Stephen Lacey–a piece that illuminates the excitement of an ’80s redux in the area of design and decor:
Mid-Week Match-Up: ’80s Deco Meets Modern Interior Design
Who says ’80s design is all about excess? For today’s Mid-Week Match-Up, we’ve combined an array of finds, both modern and vintage, to envision a sleek, Deco-inspired room with flourishes both ’80s and contemporary. Be on the lookout for a variety of upcoming posts on the inevitable ’80s interior design revival that is sure to hit in the near future, and for more ’80s meets ’30s fun, check out last week’s Mid-Week Match-Up!
Friday Video Picks: ’80s Junk Food Commercials Starring Jenny Lewis and Seth Green!
I was watching the above Skittles commercial from the late ’80s when I spotted child star Jenny Lewis (she’s the one in the glasses who asks “Is this the house that gives Skittles?” at the end of the piece). Surely you remember Jenny Lewis, who appeared in many an ’80s TV commercial, as well as films like The Wizard and Troop Beverly Hills.
Mid-Week Match-Up: The ’80s Meet the ’30s
When viewing today’s Mid-Week Match-Up, you may wonder what 1930s movies we’ve taken screen shots from, or which Busby Berkeley musicals have influenced this post. Believe it or not, all of the images above are from the 1980s! Perhaps it was the throwback to Art Deco (also called ’80s Deco) that sparked a revival of Hollywood-esque glitz and glam in the 1980s, or maybe the decade of decadence sent designers in search of past displays of excess. Whatever the source, we approve!
Friday Video Pick: “You Know Me Better” by Roisin Murphy
This week’s Friday Video Pick is not from the 1980s. But we just couldn’t take our eyes off the ’80s-inspired fashion in this video from 2008.
Mid-Week Match-Up: ’80s Lighting
Light up your life with today’s Mid-Week Match-Up! For this ’80s modern lighting extravaganza, we combed films set in swanky locations, from New York office buildings and apartments to California homes and hotels.
An ’80s Halloween Party
On the eve of Fall’s official beginning, I invited family to join me for a Halloween-themed dinner party. I wanted to give the event an ’80s twist. My brother and I were kids in the ’80s and remember many a Halloween season spent watching cartoons, buying neon props for our costumes, and reveling in the wonder of the decade’s best junk food.
Mid-Week Match-Up: ’80s Fall Moments
Fall is definitely in the air! For this week’s Mid-Week Match-Up, we’ve collected screen shots from ’80s films featuring Fall-fabulous moments. In fact, the season of Fall played a crucial role in all three featured films: Baby Boom, When Harry Met Sally, and St. Elmo’s Fire.