I love a change of seasons. Yes, it’s now officially fall and I’ve started decorating for Halloween. In fact, I’m writing this post on my patio as the very first cold front of fall blows in. With that said, there’s something about ’80s design that evokes an “endless summer” state of mind. I have some fun fall blog content on the way in the coming weeks, but before jumping head first into a new season, I wanted to highlight some of my ’80s design favorites.
What does “living in the ’80s” mean to you? If we’re being honest, there are many reasons why I wouldn’t want to live in the 1980s, as each decade that passes seems to lead to more progress and awareness in areas that truly matter. But in terms of the design, it just doesn’t get better than the bold variety of the ’80s, does it?! Take the earrings above, which were created by Colleen White. Crafted from 1980s-style erasers, these showstoppers are easy to make (scroll to the bottom of the post for more details).
Inspiration from ’80s Sellers
Anyone else love looking for ’80s design inspiration by checking out the Instagram accounts of retro decor sellers/dealers? With their eye for curation (and mixing and matching old with new), they always find interesting ways to refresh and display pieces. Above we see a vignette by LYC Vintage, featured at The Spruce (in an article about ’80s design trends)! Other seller favorites include Freska Living and The MOD Weekend. Who are some of your favorite ’80s merch dealers?
’80s Television
I’m way late to the party on this one, but I recently found out about My 80’s TV, which simulates the experience of channel surfing in the 1980s. It’s absolutely addictive. You can specify the type of television you’re interested in watching (cartoons, soaps, movies, trailers, talk shows and more). I watched a LOT of TV as a kid in the ’80s, so there’s a huge comfort factor for me here. Nostalgia aside, this ’80s TV experience is a great way to completely immerse yourself in the decade. Who’s up for the escape?!
’80s Design at Home
The photo above is from the home of Meg Gustafson, whose abodes have been featured multiple times at Apartment Therapy. Here’s a Mirror80 feature spotlighting one of her previous Chicago residences. In addition, Meg curates one of my favorite tumblrs, 80s Deco (Instagram account: 80s_deco). Her style is the epitome of ’80s maximalism, which is no doubt why Apartment Therapy’s recent article on the return of ’80s design notes some distinct elements of her look. The piece is definitely worth a read, especially since it talks about ways to bring the 1980s design home, as well as how people are combining different elements from the decade with a fresh set of eyes. How do you incorporate ’80s furnishings and decor into your home? Hint: feel free to mix and match different style (like Memphis and ’80s Deco), and don’t be afraid of color!
’80s-Style Decor
I’m always on the lookout for new decor that reminds me of my childhood. Remember those shell cushions that were featured on many a bathroom vanity stool?! Garden Glory is currently offering this Rose Shell Cushion, which can be placed on the chair or bench of your choice. Above we see two of them displayed together. Retro glam at its finest! I also find a surprisingly large number of ’80s-style pieces at retailers such as CB2, from tableware to vases. Where do you shop for new items with an ’80s look?
Deco Vase Vignettes
Right before I first started blogging (back in 2010!!), I began collecting ’80s Deco vases, picking them up for a few bucks apiece at thrift stores like Goodwill. (Here’s a fun 2011 post featuring me with all of my vases, shot by my talented friend Ben Aqua.) It’s been fun seeing ’80s Deco vases gain popularity again, and it’s also weird seeing pieces I picked up for mere dollars a decade ago now selling for $50-$120 on sites like Etsy! Thankfully you can still find good deals on ’80s vases, and I always wonder how people style them once they get them home. I’ve seen some stellar arrangements featuring dried flowers but I haven’t yet tried incorporating them into my own vases. Here’s a post I created with some tropical design ideas featuring fresh and faux flowers.
’80s DIY Projects
I love a good ’80s DIY project. Check out Mirror80’s collection of DIY ideas and projects here. Now back to the earrings featured at the top of today’s post…
Colleen White is someone I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know through the ’80s Design group on Facebook (come join us if you’re interested)!! When she posted this project in the group and revealed that she’d crafted the earrings from ’80s-style erasers, I had to have a pair! Here’s what she has to say about the project:
I got the idea for the earrings after buying a pair from Etsy made of Lisa Frank mini erasers. I saw the palm tree ones at Target. They looked so cute and 80s that I knew I had to do something with them. I found everything needed either through Joann’s or Etsy. Luckily I already knew how to wrap the wire to create the beaded link between the eraser charm and earring hook. After gathering supplies and finding an excellent tutorial on YouTube on how to make eraser charms, the process was pretty easy. I made them while watching TV, lol.
I’m always inspired by Colleen’s projects and finds, and I thank her for sending these ’80s-style eraser earrings my way, especially since I can now share them here on the blog.
What are some ways you’re “living in the ’80s” these days? Any projects in the works? Media that keeps you connected to the decade? Products you search for on a regular basis?
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for a big batch of fall content heading your way soon…
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543312/ The dramaserie Halt and catch fire is about the IT innovations in the early 80s.
“It’s the early 1980s, and the spirit of innovation in personal computing is about to catch fire. Hot on the trail is a renegade trio — a visionary, an engineer and a prodigy — who risk everything to realize their vision of building a computer that can change the future. Not long after IBM corners the market with its flagship PC, a flaw is discovered in its operation, opening the door for competition. In steps Joe MacMillan, a former IBM executive who now works for Cardiff Electric. MacMillan plans to reverse-engineer IBM’s technology, putting Cardiff in the thick of the personal computer race. He enlists the help of engineer Gordon Clark, who dreams of creating a revolutionary computer, and Cameron Howe, a volatile prodigy who puts her future on the line to join MacMillan’s rogue project.” https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1Tcoz7ZMTjE3YPQSzkjMKVFIzEtRSE4sSc5QSMssSgUAqocKnA&q=halt+and+catch+fire&rlz=1C1CHBF_svSE920SE920&oq=ha&aqs=chrome.4.69i59j69i57j69i59l2j46i39j46i199i291i512j0i512l2j46i512l2.3717j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
I love this show, Teresa!! The design is amazing. I had the honor of interviewing Lance Totten, the show’s set decorator. He shared some interesting details about recreating the ’80s. https://mirror80.com/2015/07/halt-and-catch-fire-interview-lance-totten/
Thank you for sharing the link to one of your older posts. I enjoy reading your interview with the show’s set decorator. It’s really cool what kind of work the creative staff gets to do and yes the show I love it too from the storyplot, the acting to the design. It’s fun when you find tv shows and movies about different decades in our history.
This show is amazing. It’s better than Mad Men, tbh, and deserves more recognition.
I’m glad to see a new post from you. Stay healthy and safe.
Thank you so much, Adrian! Stay well, and have a wonderful fall.
Great post Kate! I collect 80’s deco vases also, it does become an obsession. Now I have more vases than I have room for but my solution is to store the excess and keep them on rotation. I also collect boomboxes and still listen to cassettes when I’m in the mood for nostalgia. Will definitely be making myself a pair of eraser earrings-very cute! Looking forward to future posts 🙂