This month Mirror80 turned 10!!! That means I’ve been blogging for a decade. It’s pretty surreal to think about how much has changed since 2010. Not only are we now in the middle of a global pandemic, we’re also in the middle of an ’80s design renaissance. Thanks to Instagram, Tumblr and other social media outlets, it’s easier than ever to find beautiful images of 1980s interiors, often scanned from design books. For some perspective, when I started this blog, I would have to buy and photograph many items that I wanted to feature. Hence my collection of 1980s Deco vases and swans. Well, I told myself that thrifting massive quantities of them was for blogging purposes, but I definitely had ulterior design motives…
Fast forward 10 years, and I can still honestly say that there’s never been a time when I’ve thought, “I don’t know what to write about next.” My head is still swimming with ideas for posts and upcoming projects. The one thing that has changed greatly is the amount of free time that I have. I’m needing to be extremely intentional about each post, as well as carving out precious time to write. But I’m not giving up!! There’s just too much to celebrate when it comes to ’80s design.
*revisiting and recreating some of the my favorite Mirror80 posts, and taking you along for the ride
*some exciting new series, starting with Camp Mirror80, an immersive experience that fits well with this “stay at home” season of life
*a return to writing–because I’m a writer at heart, and I’ve been wanting to do some longer-form blogging to reflect on this amazing era of design and pop culture
*sharing a larger number of design and decorating projects
*a few surprises along the way…
Whether you’ve been reading for awhile or you’re new to the blog, I want to thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing my enthusiasm for the mid-’70s through the mid-’90s. I’m not going anywhere, so thank you for being patient with me while I figure out how to juggle blogging with parenting and pandemic life. 2020 has been a big dose of adulting and harsh reality.
If you’re looking to connect on a more regular basis, join our ’80s Design group on Facebook. It’s an exceptional group of creative individuals, and it’s brought me true joy and inspiration. Thanks again for reading!!
XO, Kate
Happy blogiversary! !
Thank you so much, Claire!!!
Happy blog birthday!
Thank you, Dee!!!
I’ve checked into this blog several times while researching ’80s style and for some reason I was thinking you “retired!” I’m so glad I happened upon it today to see that you are still posting. I’m raising glass in your direction in a toast to the next ten years!