A comfy, colorful bed featured at aqqindex
Happy Holidays, Everyone! For the last few weeks, I’ve enjoyed writing many seasonal posts filled with DIY gift ideas, decorating projects and more. But today I’m taking a break from the holiday bustle and getting back to Mirror80’s roots–a true love for 1980s interior design. Have you been tracking all of the amazing ’80s Tumblrs emerging on a regular basis?! Many of them celebrate authentic interior design from the ’70s through the ’90s. Let’s explore some cozy spaces that invite you to take a long winter’s nap surrounded by retro style…

A rich-toned ’80s bedroom featured at Zonkout
At the top of the post, we see a warm space where an unforgettable bed designed by Gaetano Pesce rests at the center of it all. Featured at aqqindex, this room is cozy because it resembles a cocoon. A vibrant, postmodern cocoon! Above is a bedroom showcased by Tumblr favorite Zonkout. There are some retro-fabulous elements that instantly grab our attention here (such as glass block and a geometric wall), but it’s the deep tones and inviting textiles that pile on the cozy in this space.

Maybe it’s the rubber flooring and mini blinds, or perhaps it’s the woven seating or the leafy houseplant…the room above is filled with texture!!! Light gently pours in from the windows, while gridded pillows beckon you to rest your head and close your eyes for a seasonal power nap. This image comes to us from a Tumblr I’ve just discovered (and am totally obsessed with): DECORATINGWITHHOUSEPLANTS. Lots of plants. Lots of unforgettable retro style!

An ’80s bedroom from drydockshop via deargenekelly
A corner bed piled with pillows is the star of this next featured space. Plants and a relaxed arrangement create an ultra-chill setting that makes this room a true haven. Originally featured at drydockshop, the image was found on deargenekelly. Both Tumblrs are definitely worth checking out!

An ’80s bathroom featured at drydockshop
And last but not least, we have a designer bathroom that combines the best of ’80s Deco with the best of hot tub glamour. Fancy a soak after a long, chilly winter’s day? Thank you, drydockshop, for bringing this image from 1985’s The International Collection of Interior Design to our attention!
Have a cozy holiday Monday, everyone…
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