The ’80s Deco living room of Heather Hermann
Did you catch our last ’80s Connection interview featuring performer, visual artist, costume designer and art dealer Heather Hermann, aka The Duchess of Deco?! As part of the interview process, Heather sent over a slew of pics documenting the design genius of her Deco-fabulous Las Vegas apartment. You know that feeling you get when you go over to a friend’s house and realize you have the same lamp, throw pillows and penchant for decorating with candles? In this case, we have the same globular vases, ceramic swan collection and penchant for decorating with minerals and quirky terrariums. I instantly knew a home tour was in order! Check out all the details…
Words of wisdom reflecting Ms. Hermann’s design philosophy: “Conquer what you fear! Dare to be wild! My whole fascination with this stuff started because of my extreme love/hate relationship for teal and pink. No really. I loathe it. It gives me the childhood feels and creeps me out at the same time. So…why not embrace it!? hah!”
The Living Room
We’ll start with the living room, also shown at the top of the post. Fluorescent pink details are sprinkled throughout the space. Heather picked up these acrylic pieces at stores such as Target, Home Goods and Office Max. She calls them her “fluro goodies”!

Ms. Hermann’s home is sprinkled with fluro pink goodies
Heather’s home is filled with unforgettable details that create a truly unique aesthetic, from ’80s Deco vases to vintage Art Deco collectibles. An abundance of shelving and surface tops provide the perfect display areas for her collection.

A Deco oasis
Let’s take a look at the focal point of the living room, which Ms. Hermann calls the “masterpiece”. It’s an ’80s Deco bed and nightstand combo, which has been repurposed into the perfect frame for a clean-lined IKEA couch. Yes, this masterpiece was part of a set that includes a dresser and a wardrobe. Check out that black lacquer and faux marble!

Fluorescent pink details in the living room
See the chic sculpture by Lindsey B. below (the man in the tux)? Although worth $200, it was purchased at Goodwill for a mere $2!!! Combined with a globular vase and other standout pieces, the sculpture looks right at home.

A Lindsey B. sculpture, Deco vases and pink fluro details
I had to ask about the two images below. First of all, check out that geo planter (below, left)! Heather picked it up at Home Depot and embellished it with a hand-painted gold triangle. The planter’s salmon pink shade was the perfect backdrop for the geometric design. See the Nagel piece in the nook below (right)? That blue triangle on the wall is also hand-painted. So clever!

Geometric touches are a staple in Heather Hermann’s living room nook
Here we get another look at the nook, complete with ’80s-style blooms…

Nagel, blooms and geo style
The Dining Room
Hungry for more? Let’s head into the dining room! I remember seeing those ’80s Deco dishes below in department stores when I was a kid. They are picture-perfect in Heather’s Deco-chic dining room. We also see a hand-painted triangle in dreamy shades, followed by geometric shelving and Asian-style accents.

’80s Deco dishes and Asian flair in the dining room
More fluorescent pink is in order, this time showcased in a fish tank that was purchased at an indie pet store. And those pops of yellow are a wonderful contrast. The artwork on the walls was created by Ms. Hermann herself! We mentioned that she’s a gifted artist, right?!

Bright yellow and fluorescent pink pop in the dining room
The Office
Time to head into the office, where collectibles reign. From display cases filled with figurines and prized possessions to a linear spread of mineral samples, this room is a feast for the eyes. Of the high-quality minerals, Heather says, “There’s a place out here in Las Vegas called Jewelry and Mineral that’s on Sahara Ave that a geologist and a Reiki master work at. They have some of the best specimens for sale there and get rare products from all over the world.”

Red and black meet minerals in the office of Heather Hermann
Notice the glow in the pics below?! The artwork is by Craig Drake (left), and many other illuminating details in this office come in shades of yellow and gold:

Fluoro, gold and things that glow
Artfully arranged collectibles take center stage in the office…

The Bedroom
Deco takes on a decadent vibe in the boudoir! A hand-painted triangle in shell pink is the perfect geo focal point. The artwork to the left of the bed is one of Hermann’s own creations titled Miami Disco:

The ’80s Deco bedroom of Heather Hermann
The mirrored nightstands hold spherical lamps from IKEA, as well as crystals. A succulent terrarium stands out in this space, thanks to clever composition and a globular form.

Crystals and a terrarium grace the mirrored nightstand
We see another hand-painted geo planter below (right), as well as two finds that I happen to have in my own home: a retro Toyo vase with a ribbon motif, and a black ceramic swan (shown below, right).

Salmon, black and white are always Deco-fabulous
I also own the round peach vase we see below, but it truly appears to be made for Heather’s space! See that Erte book on the bottom shelf of the nightstand? Ms. Hermann is an Erte expert, in charge of the largest estate collection of Erte in the world at the biggest privately owned gallery in the world, Martin Lawrence Galleries. And we can’t forget the Brazil poster! The film is one of many influences on Heather’s aesthetic.

Details from a Deco bedroom
Perfume bottles, acrylic and blossoms add a crystalline, feminine touch to this decadent bedroom:

Blossoms and perfume bottles
Let’s hear it for mood lighting! Don’t the Deco dogs and faceted crystals look mysterious next to those glowing orbs?!

Deco dogs and glowing orbs
The Powder Room
We end today’s tour with a glimpse at the powder room–a celebration of ’80s Deco accents, from floral artwork to peach ceramics. It’s hard not to love the mix of retro and modern items…

Details from a Deco bathroom
I’ll leave you with some thrifting advice from Ms. Hermann, which I’ve definitely found to be true in my own adventures:
I go with my gut. I get the “itch” so to speak. There are some days I am out and about and I just get “the feeling” and end up hitting 3 spots. Only three. If I find nothing then I wait a week. Typically the rule of 3 has never steered me wrong. I ALWAYS find something even if it’s large or small, one thing or many. I read and look at a lot of vintage interior design for Art Deco glam and 80’s minimal, so I just buy what I see and go with my gut decor-wise later. I dread the day I buy a retro vintage 80’s house out here in Vegas…because it’s gunna be an exciting sight to hold once I fill it with so much stuff. I’m all about the visions of the future. I love the clean look but I also love the British dystopia appeal as well. Darker earth tones with wood paneling contrasted by neon and elegant artworks. Anytime I find fine/unique brass I buy it as well….along with towel swans and globular vases. I’m addicted…..to globular vases. It’s truly a decor sickness.
Thank you, Heather, for sharing your beautifully curated Deco-Futurist world with us!
This is fantastic! I do see a couple things in here that I also have, like the sake carafe and shot glasses from World Market and the Bella coffee machine. But there’s a lot that’s close enough too. Nagel prints, Erté love, modern aquariums, black ceramic sculptures!
I especially like what she said about teal and pink. I wrote a thing about fashions from Barbie and the Rockers: Out of This World, an 80’s cartoon special, and ended up redoing my website in those colors after seeing how well they went together on one of Barbie’s dresses. Then I decorated my living room/office in it.
And she’s a videogame fan too. Dat Righteous Bison!
Thanks DJ! right now I’m a bit on space limit because its an apartment but soon I plan on buying and flipping an 80s deco property out here in Vegas. I have more Nagels buy no where to hang them at the moment until I move. 🙁
I’ve mixed and matched as best I can until my collection builds further. I plan on getting art deco coffee/cocktail chrome sets along with more Bladerunneresque decor with a darker setting when I build a new studio. 🙂
But yes…. its true. Teal and Pink are such a fun/creepy nostalgic combo for me. My earliest memory of it was when I was 3 and my mom took me to a TOTALLY deco/diner ice cream parlor. I remember tasting vanilla ice cream for the first time and my mind was blown. Its a color combo that ignites SO many memories for me. I plan on going all out on it once I move 🙂
Heather! When you acquire that Bladerunneresque decor, you’d better send pictures ; – ) You are SO creative. Can’t wait to see your ’80s Deco property. Thanks for letting us feature your fabulous apartment!!!
Thank you for your comment. I had a similar reaction when I first saw Heather’s place!!!! So many amazing finds–so much to love!!!! From the Nagel to the modern aquariums, it’s unreal.
And thank you for sharing your post–great blog!