A collection of trivets from Fort Standard (photo credit: The New York Times)
Geo style, pastels, marble…all of these current trends have close ties to the 1980s. And this week, a variety of sites and blogs featured them in spades. First up: The New York Times. On Wednesday, I came across this article, titled “Furnishings With Geometric Patterns.” The article’s featured designer is Rafael de Cárdenas from Architecture at Large. I’m a long-time admirer! He points us to a variety of items, from the Fort Standard trivets above to the Stella Triangle lamp below, available at Matter.

The Stella Triangle lamp designed by Rosie Li, available at Matter
Next up–pastels! And of course, confetti. Since I’m a big fan of both, it should be no surprise that I love the photos below. They come from one of my favorite blogs, Design Love Fest. In fact, DLF blogger Bri Emery teaches photoshop in her renowned Blogshops, and the events are bursting with creativity and style. The photo backdrop in these next images (taken at a recent Blogshop) makes me want to turn my living room into a photography studio, complete with a bubble machine. Blogshop attendees enjoyed getting their pictures taken in front of the pastel design:

Pastels and confetti (photo credit: Design Love Fest)

Bubbles and pastels (photo credit: Design Love Fest)
I’ll end today’s post with a DIY project from Oh Happy Day, which proves that washi tape has some serious ’80s design possibilities…

Geometric washi tape motifs from Oh Happy Day
Happy Friday, Everyone!
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