Let’s rock (Tumblr image source: Commonchant)
One of our favorite sources for ’80s inspiration is Tumblr. In fact, at this point in time, Tumblr is the single best source for 1980s art and design images online! Today we take a look a variety of our favorite photos, showcased by a variety of our favorite Tumblrs! Above we see a fetching mineral sample from Commonchant. Below is an interior by Lew Dolin via Zonkout:

Interior by Lew Dolin (Tumblr image source: Zonkout)
This Sottsass Telephone Cabin combines a variety of sources, from the matte to the gleaming. It’s one of our favorite images from the always fabulous Dear Gene Kelly:

Sottsass Telephone Cabin (Tumblr image source: Dear Gene Kelly)
Penabranca consistently features original art, often prismatic and dreamy like the selection below:

Artwork from Penabranca
We end with artwork from Mel Bochner, curated by the most comprehensive source for 1980s art online, the appropriately named 80s ART. For an interview with this Tumblr’s curator, Jason Cawood, click here.

Artwork by Mel Bochner (Tumblr image source: 80s ART)
As always, be sure to check out the Mirror80 Tumblr for more pics with ’80s-meets-modern style…
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