We’ve been busy at Mirror80…hitting garage sales, antique shows, thrift stores, estate sales, and even antique malls! We can’t help it–these are the best places to find retro items at bargain prices! We’ve scanned these spots for jewelry, furniture, decorative smalls and more, and today we bring you the fruits of our labor: a series of articles focused on bargain shopping for retro finds! Check out the images below, then follow the links to the full posts…
Shopping Retro at Antique Shows
We kicked off the series with a trip to Warrenton, TX, one of the locations for Texas Antique Week. Portions of this festival actually last a full 2 weeks! We found some amazing treasures in Warrenton. Check out our loot, and read all about hunting for ’70s and ’80s finds at antique shows here.

Excess Field in Warrenton, TX
Navigating the World of Estate Sales
One of our favorite ’80s estate sales finds is the silver-toned power necklace below. Even when an estate sale is lacking in retro furnishings, chances are someone in the home shopped for the ’70s and ’80s jewelry on multiple occasions. Learn some tips and tricks for navigating estate sales here.

A 1980s power necklace
Shopping Retro at Antique Malls
So many booths, so little time… We hit our favorite local antique mall, gave ourselves 30 minutes to browse, and ended up finding three amazing treasures! Now imagine what you could do with a whole afternoon on your hands… You just have to know where to look and what to look for! Check out our antique mall shopping hints here.

A retro spice rack
The Appeal of Bargain Thrift Stores
Goodwill. Savers. These are two of our favorite spots for ’80s treasures. When it comes to bargain thrift stores, it’s truly hard to beat the prices. With no dealers to mark up merchandise, we’re talking mere dollars! Check out our tips for hunting down retro finds at thrift stores here.

Drinking glasses with ’80s Deco style
Hunting Down Retro Finds at Garage Sales
Our final piece in the series focuses on garage sales. They can be hit or miss, but when you strike it big, you really hit the jackpot! Plus, nothing beats the stories you get from the previous owners of the item you’ve purchased. Like the nice lady who shared a tale of custom designing the floral arrangement below to go with her decor in the ’80s. Read more about the ins and outs of garage sales here.

An ’80s floral arrangement
And for more posts on 1980s interiors and retro-fabulous design, check out our interior design archive.
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