A taste of Retro Foodie delights!
Shortly after the new year, we at Mirror80 began a new monthly series called Retro Foodie. Focused on entertaining with a big dose of retro style, our priority is making entertaining easy and affordable while giving a shout out to New Retro style (late ’70s through the early ’90s). Today we highlight some of our favorite Retro Foodie moments with the montage above, while leaving you with the links below so you can try these easy recipes and displays on your own.
And one more thing: Don’t underestimate the power of a trip to Goodwill or another wallet-friendly thrift store. The colorful dishware pictured above was all purchased for mere dollars. Going retro has never been easier!
IMAGE SOURCES (clockwise from the top left):
A blood orange granita from our Neon Noir Party, donuts with sprinkles from our Memphis-Milano Menu, fruit skewers from our Yuppie Cocktail Party, salmon bites from our Neon Noir Party, beet-infused goat cheese on cucumber slices from our ‘80s-Style Awards Show Party, heart-shaped cookies from our ’80s Valentine’s Day Dessert Buffet
Have a tasty Wednesday!
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