Crystal swans with pink detail
So I was doing some Christmas shopping at a store which I won’t name. One of those stores that has really great deals, but questionable taste on about half of its merchandise. Things are either “right on” or “way, way off.” And then I stumbled upon a series of crystal figurines. Don’t get me wrong–most of them were in the “way, way off” category, but one or two of them were inadvertently “right on.” Which got me thinking… I went home and googled “crystal swans.” And the rest is history!
Today’s blog post is dedicated to the crystal swan. Because its shape virtually guarantees that regardless of the manufacturer, the result will be AMAZING. Above we see a pink crystal swan ornament from Yourniceshop.com. The swan below cannot be ordered–it’s an image created by freelance 3D artist i-4-detail. We think it’s the equivalent of a crystal swan glamour shot!

A 3-D graphic from i-4 detail
We couldn’t feature crystal swans without veering into Swarovski territory! Below we see the Soulmates Swan by Swarovski, designed by Anton Hirzinger. Gotta love the mix of faceted and smooth crystal…

A Swarovski crystal swan designed by Anton Hirzinger
If you can’t cough up the $600 the purchase above would require, check out this next Swarovski crystal swan designed by Max Schreck. With the appearance of a graceful bird paddling on a lake, this item can be yours for $100 (for a medium) or $135 (for a large):

A Swarovski crystal swan designed by Max Schreck
We end with another rad image: a pink-tinted crystal swan available through Ali Express. Much more affordable at around $36! If only every display table could feature fresh flowers in the background…

A pink-tinted crystal swan
Have a sparkling weekend!
It’s breathtaking… The transparency of the crystal clearly reveals the genuine craftsmanship involved in it.