A still from the trailer for the 1989 film Christmas Vacation
Are your Holidays turning out to be a bit different than you expected? Perhaps you’re frantically trying to finish up work before heading out of town. Or your house is a bit too full of company. Or you were counting on something that didn’t quite work out. If you’re about to reach your breaking point, remember that things could always be worse… You could be Clark Griswold!
As your head hits the pillow tonight, be glad that the twinkle lights on the outside of your house work, that an aggressive squirrel did not emerge from the inner foliage of your Christmas tree ready to attack, and that you were spared from being accidentally locked in your attic while your entire family went Christmas shopping without you. Enjoy the trailer for Christmas Vacation starring Chevy Chase:
One of my favorite Christmas movies ever!!
As well as “A Christmas Story” (1983).