'80s and modern elements can come together to create a Deco-inspired room
Who says ’80s design is all about excess? For today’s Mid-Week Match-Up, we’ve combined an array of finds, both modern and vintage, to envision a sleek, Deco-inspired room with flourishes both ’80s and contemporary. Be on the lookout for a variety of upcoming posts on the inevitable ’80s interior design revival that is sure to hit in the near future, and for more ’80s meets ’30s fun, check out last week’s Mid-Week Match-Up!
The subtler side of ’80s-inspired interiors involves an eclectic mix of items that celebrate form and color. This week, it’s all about the Art Deco-influenced ’80s Deco movement, and the addition of contemporary design elements to set a modern tone.
Lets take a closer look! We’ll start with the Claude Gossip Bench Set at the top of the collage, an amazing find designed by Jonathan Adler. The piece nicely complements another Jonathan Adler find, the Channing Six Drawer Console, shown at the bottom of the collage. Rounding out our Jonathan Adler love-fest is the Carnaby Scale Vase (top, right), with its Deco-esque pattern of curvy scales.
Let’s break from the modern and travel back to the ’80s! The piece that inspired this blog post is a vintage Deauville poster by noteworthy graphic artist Razzia. This work of art (a signed original first printing!) comes from eBay store Posters Please, who kindly let us use their poster image for today’s collage.
Below the poster we see a round blue Deco framed mirror from eBay store I Like Mike’s Midcentury Modern Furnishings, who graciously allowed us to feature the mirror image in our match-up. We love the porthole quality of this piece, as well as its unmistakable ’30s look, even though it is likely from the ’80s.
Our final featured ’80s piece is a peach ’80s Deco ceramic vase (shown under the striped bedding). Those who know me are aware of my insatiable hunger for ’80s Deco vases and my apparent lack of ability to stop purchasing them. Fueling my fire is the fact that they are usually under $5 at the local Goodwill. I think they’ve got something…don’t you?!
Moving on to the bedding, the Stripe Duvet Cover + Sham comes from West Elm. We thought it had just the right dash of nautical to unify the “Deco marine” vibe conjured by the interior decor of today’s post. The spicy-toned Nolan Cayenne Rug from Crate & Barrel is that great punch of color needed to unify the items above. Can you imagine it underfoot, spreading its bright hue across the room?
A special thank-you from Posters Please and I Like’s Midcentury Modern Furnishings for making this post possible. Stay tuned for future posts that celebrate the versatility of ’80s design…
Always well done and well researched blogs! Keep up the good work. Dennis