Celebrate the ’80s fashion revival
One of the most exciting aspects of ’80s style is the fashion! While the style world was quick to dismiss ’80s fads in the years immediately following the decade, trends some thought would never see the light of day have slowly but surely reappeared. Rompers, stretch belts, and tribal patterns are just a few of the many ’80s re-dos that have graced clothing racks and the pages of magazines in recent years. Mirror80 enjoys spotlighting the style of our favorite decade. Here are five fashion-fabulous posts from the past year:
’80s Flat-Beaded Necklaces
Did you ever wear these flat-beaded necklaces? Their irresistible color and shine made them look more like candy than jewelry, which is probably why they appealed to jewelry fans of all ages. Most appropriate for teens and adults, they were a lot of plastic for a kid to sport, but that didn’t stop many ’80s children from wearing them with their over-sized clothing. Flat-beaded necklaces are edging their way back into vintage boutiques, so be on the lookout for them…
Shiny ’80s Purses
Shiny ’80s purses are also back, and many new designs are inspired by their slick appearance. Mega-stores like Forever 21 are channeling their hue and form, and the price is right. Vinyl was a material of choice when it came to these colorful accessories, and the same is true today. Add a little gloss to your life!
My Little Pony Gallops into ’80s Fashion
What if there were a way to evoke the color and glitz of My Little Ponies in our own wardrobes? Be careful what you wish for! With the help of skilled ’80s shop owners, we match vintage Ponies with retro and modern fashion and accessories for an updated take on My Little Pony flair. And no, this post isn’t for kids!
1980s Egyptian Revival Style
Mirror80 often spotlights ’80s Deco, an updated take on the Art Deco movement of the ’20s and ’30s. An important aspect of Art Deco was a fascination with Egyptian style, and the ’80s carried on the tradition! This post features ’80s Egyptian revival clothing and jewelry, courtesy of Etsy shop owners with an eye for both ’80s and Egyptian motifs.
Memphis Design Meets Haute Couture: Christian Dior’s Fall/Winter Collection
Dior’s 2011 Fall-Winter Haute Couture Collection is packed with references to the Memphis-Milano design movement of the 1980s. Stunning geometry, bold colors (some you’d never imagine putting together), and texture-evoking modern patterns abound. In this post, Memphis Group motifs in Dior’s Collection are juxtaposed with 1980s furniture and accessories, thanks to Memphis-Milano collector extraordinaire Dennis Zanone.
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