A tropical party spread by Somewhere
Yes, fall is here, but ever since tropical style has made its big comeback, it’s a year-round thing as far as I’m concerned. Not just for summers! Do you agree?! That’s why when I came across today’s featured party (from Somewhere), I knew it was perfect for Mirror80 readers to ooh and aah over. Another key ingredient in this tropical revival: pool toys. Yes, pool toys! Remember our post on the still life photography of Richie Talboy? Or yesterday’s post on the 3D illustration of Anny Wang? Beach balls and noodles are in. And this party maximizes their decorative possibilities…
This Tel Aviv-set tropical cocktail party is so richly layered with colorful details, you catch something new every time you view the photos. My favorite feature: the pools toys, of course!
They hang from the trees, they serve as a backdrop for drinks, and they reinforce the color scheme of the party. I have to admit, I’m a bit tempted to use pool toys as a permanent part of my decor, thanks to photos like these:
Did someone say “dolphin”?…
One more dreamy image before I direct you to Somewhere to check out the rest of the pics. LOTS more photos to see, folks!
It’s not too late to throw one more sun-filled, fun-filled tropical party before the chill of winter sets in. At the very least, these images will warm you up as the temperatures drop! Thank you, Somewhere!!!
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